Microsoft beats BSD!

by Greg Lehey

In previous articles, I've described some of the ways that the BSD systems differ from mainstream computer software such as Microsoft. Many people see these differences as the main obstacle to BSD becoming used by a wider audience, in particular on the desktop. I disagree: I believe that as computer users become more sophisticated, they will appreciate the different approach. There are other things that need to be done before any of the BSDs can truly compete with, say, Microsoft, but they're more in the area of fine tuning than in concepts.

This month I'd like to discuss a different problem, the one that I personally think is the greatest obstacle to the spread of BSD. So I should be recommending FreeBSD to as many people as possible. Do I do it? Well, maybe. The question is, what is possible? Let's look at a few examples.

The Paso Horse Registry of Australasia

In another life, I'm involved with horses. A few of us have got together to create the Paso Horse Registry of Australasia. We currently have a steering committee of three people: Christiane Yeardley, who does most of the work when she's not moving house, Pam Hay and myself. As the link suggests, Chris is relatively computer literate. Pam uses a product called Microsoft Office at work, but she doesn't have a computer of her own.

Over the last few years, Pam has investigated every known Paso horse in Australia, about 60 of them. She's a fountain of knowledge about the breed and thus the obvious choice as a registrar. Now maintaining a horse registry is not quite a typical office job: the main office activity revolves around pedigrees and transfers of ownership. Clearly an application for a database. It would also be nice to be able to print the certificates completely on a computer, thus saving on pre-printed forms. Nothing that we couldn't do with BSD.

In addition, there's the question of cost: we need to get a computer for Pam. Where do we get one? If all Paso owners in Australia became members, we would get an annual revenue of about $AUS 1500, about $US 900, out of which we need to print a newsletter and pay registration fees. What kind of Microsoft system could we get for $1500, anyway? Microsoft Office alone would cost about half that sum, and it needs a pretty hefty machine.

On the other hand, I have an old 486 lying around that I could contribute to the Registry, along with FreeBSD and enough ported software to do the job. It makes sense, doesn't it? Will we do it? No.

The problem is that Pam isn't a computer freak. She needs the computer to do a job, and she knows how to do it with Microsoft. We'd have to teach her all over again with FreeBSD, and she doesn't want to do it, and I don't have the time to do it.

My digital camera

Last year I bought a Casio QV-5000 SX digital camera. Instead of a film, it has an image sensor and flash memory in which to store the images. Subsequently, you can download the images to a PC via a serial cable.

The problem is, Casio has decided that they don't want anybody to know the protocol they use to transfer the data. Instead, they supply a comprehensive software package which runs under–you guessed it–Microsoft. Just for this camera, I need to maintain a copy of Windows 95, I need to reboot a machine twice, and then mess around with a complicated program where I have to set lots of flags before I can start. Finally I have to ftp the images to the machine where I want them.

My Epson colour printer

To go with the camera, of course, I need a printer. After reading the test reports in c't magazine, I decided on an Epson Stylus Color 740 printer. This is really quite a nice printer. It does 1440 dpi on plain paper, and in black and white mode it produces output that is indistinguishable from a laser printer.

To the best of my knowledge, no printer understands the JPEG or GIF formats that are commonly used for storing digital images: you need to convert them. I chose PostScript as the best intermediate format in view of the fact that I would often need to mix text and images, and that Netscape uses it for print output. Ghostscript supplies a driver for some Epson Stylus models, but not for the 740.

Never mind, Epson supplies two CD-ROMs with the printer, and they're both full. There's bound to be some technical information on one of them–I thought. Unfortunately, the most technical information on the CDs is a data sheet. I don't know what a lot of it is, because it's designed to be executed from a Microsoft environment. A lot consists of flashy images with not too much content, a sad indication of where the industry is going.

Epson isn't alone in this. In 1997 I decided that my old Panasonic KX-P 4450 laser printer, which I had had since 1990, was a little long in the tooth, and it was time for something newer. I bought an HP LaserJet 6 MP, with PostScript, which was a great improvement in speed and resolution over the aging Panasonic. In one area, though, the Panasonic beats both of the newer printers hands down: it comes with documentation, over 100 pages with exact descriptions of the control sequences that the printer understands. Another significant difference is that the control panels of the newer printers are very simple compared to that of the Panasonic: they perform most of the functions of the control panel in software. Of course, the software only runs under Microsoft.

Renewing my car registration

Last year, I discovered that I can renew my car registration via the web. All I need is a recent browser and a Microsoft or Apple operating system. I sent a letter of protest to the Department of Transport, who replied in detail explaining that this was just a trial, and that the matter would be reconsidered at the end of the trial. It appears that the trial has now finished, and nothing has changed. I find it particularly objectionable that an Australian Government department should help Microsoft extend its monopoly.

What can we do?

These examples have one thing in common: third parties are helping confirm Microsoft's monopoly, and there is no good technical reason for them to do so. In the case of the Paso Registry, I'm even an accomplice.

Obviously, I'm not happy with the situation. What can we do about it?

Unfortunately, there's no single answer. Each problem has its own potential answer:

The Paso Registry

This is the simplest problem, sort of. Pam uses Microsoft Office at work primarily because she was never given the choice. One option would be to give her a BSD box and fill it up with software like StarOffice or WordPerfect, both of which have a Microsoft-like look and feel. This is less than ideal. Sure, we no longer need to use Microsoft, but many of the disadvantages remain: they're big, bulky packages which use proprietary formats and don't easily interact with other software. I don't use them, and I'm concerned about the amount of time I personally would require in order to be able to help Pam when she had questions. If she has this kind of problem with Microsoft, she can ask somebody at work.

Of course, the Paso Registry won't be an all-Microsoft effort. The web site is and will remain a BSD machine, as is the system which handles Email. We're making very sure that the database will be in a format which will allow easy export of data to database systems which run on BSD, and it's likely that all added value software will also be UNIX-based.

My digital camera

The problem with the digital camera will probably solve itself. Packages such as qvplay and camediaplay (in the FreeBSD Ports collection) currently support other, older Casio cameras, so it's to be hoped that the authors will get round to supporting the QV-5000 some time. Nevertheless, there's something I can do there: write to Casio and ask for programming information for the camera. There's a good chance I won't get a reply, but if I and many others keep trying, preferably with references to the recent successes in Open Source software, there's a chance that they will change their minds sooner or later.

The printers

In many ways, the Epson printer is a similar situation to the Casio camera: other models are supported, and I (again!) was unlucky enough to buy one which isn't supported yet. It's possible that Epson has a manual which they can supply, but I haven't seen any evidence, and contacting Epson seems to be a black hole: there is a feedback channel, but I didn't get an answer. In the meantime, I've discovered that the driver for the Stylus Color 500 also works on the 740, so I can use the printer, though I suspect that some of the functionality is non-optimal.

The HP printer isn't really a problem at all. It does everything I want it to do, and in fact a manual is available–for a price. Considering the drop in laser printer prices over the last 10 years, and the fact that the number of purchasers who want technical information is almost certainly less than 1%, this is not unreasonable. There's a subtle difference from Epson here: Epson could have put the text of the manual on the CD-ROM for free.

Car registration

Transport SA, the car registration people, are another matter. As a government department, they should endeavour to supply support to as many people as possible, and they should not promote any particular vendor. I can write another letter of complaint, possibly even escalating it, and I will do as soon as I find what I've done with their last reply.

What about you?

This article has illustrated some of the problems I have had in using BSD recently. I'm sure that you can find similar problems in your environment. They all work in Microsoft's favour, and as advertised at the top of this article, I consider them the main obstacle BSD becoming more widespread.

The real problem is that there's no single solution: each little problem has its own character, and you need to solve them individually. In some cases, for example a large proportion of the software which runs on Microsoft platforms, the only thing to do is to give up and not use the software. But writing to the vendors can help as well. I suspect there's hardly a Microsoft-based software vendor out there who isn't currently evaluating Open Source. If you find a package you want, but which doesn't run BSD or Linux, write to the vendor and ask them if it's available for Linux.

Huh? Linux? Have I turned traitor? Isn't Linux the enemy?

No, I'm primarily a BSD user, not a Linux user. But all versions of BSD can emulate Linux, and we're more likely to get a Linux version of any specific package than a BSD version.

Oh yes, Linux

Oh, that second question: no, Linux isn't the enemy. It's a sad fact of life that many free operating system people spend are so short-sighted that they'd rather fight the people with whom they should be cooperating. Linux isn't a threat to BSD, it's a help. Sure, Linux is getting most of the publicity at the moment, but some of that publicity rubs off on BSD. At the moment, the most important thing is to get the general public to understand that good computer software doesn't have to be expensive, buggy and slow. That's a big message to convey. When they've swallowed that, there's still time to point to independent reports like the Gartner Group's report on thin servers, which shows that BSD-based systems can have much higher performance than corresponding Linux systems. This kind of report should convince even the Linux users.