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The OpenBSD way

OpenBSD started later, so it had the benefit of seeing the weaknesses of the core team approach. To quote Theo de Raadt, referring to the current situation:
Different people, or groups of people, own different parts/subsystems of the tree based on previous work there or based on wide-ranging testing experience there. As a benevolent dictator, I ensure that people follow that chain of control, and that people get a baseball bat to their skulls if they fail to work together nicely. I also work very hard to make sure that people are aware of who is working in which areas, and act as a hub who connects developers with questions to developers who can help them find the answers.

Beyond that, we have further out developers, who sometimes use another more central developer as a hub, though that varies so much, that we refuse the call OpenBSD a core-run operating system. NetBSD policies caused OpenBSD to come into creation, and we strive to not repeat those things. Things are pretty much in the open, and things can get slightly or very out of hand if they need to, in the end, I can always put on the benevolent dictator cap, and we can move on.

Above all, I believe that very flexible, certainly divergent, and possibly even inconsistent policies are required to herd more than 10 cats.


Anarchies, monarchies and dictatorships

Over the last couple of years we've discussed in some detail how BSD does things, why we do it that way, and what makes BSD projects different from Linux. One of the interesting things is the way the project is run. In the Linux project, Linus Torvalds is at the top, and there are a number of important people who help him. They're the only people who can directly change the kernel sources, but there's no clear structure (well, I can't see one, anyway). In many ways it's reminiscent of a feudal monarchy.

Contrast the BSD approach: NetBSD and FreeBSD have a core team (the FreeBSD term) or core group (the NetBSD term), a group of people who direct the project. In practice, however, it's not the core team's responsibility to commit changes to the source trees: there are many more committers than core team members.

Why a core team?

So why a core team? How did it happen? Why is there a difference between core team and committers?

I can only really say for sure about the FreeBSD project, though I suspect things are not much different in NetBSD. The projects have been going for quite a while now, and even the ``newcomer'' OpenBSD has been around for nearly 5 years. In that time, things have changed enough that it's worth looking at it from a historical perspective.

In the beginning

In 1992, when Bill Jolitz released 386BSD, the idea of free software was not taken very seriously. The term ``Open Source'' hadn't been invented, and the only serious contender was the GNU project. Bill hasn't kept many friends, but the software community as a whole owes him a debt of gratitude: at a time when free software was considered dubious idea, it was certainly really radical to take a recognized version of UNIX and make it free, at a time when AT&T were charging $50,000 for a source license.

Bill's problem was that he wasn't prepared to cooperate. It was his operating system, and he was going to do it. Of course there were bugs; the initial versions were so buggy that nobody would dream of using them for real work. Nobody expected anything else, however, and so plenty of people set to work to fix the bugs and send the fixes back to Bill. Bill ignored them.

People kept trying; the first people to get fed up brought out their own version and called it NetBSD. Others just collected the patches and kept trying to get Bill to feed them back into 386BSD. Finally the maintainers of the patch kit gave up, took their patched version of 386BSD and called it FreeBSD.

By this time, I'd estimate that there were around 10 people in each project, mainly people who knew each other. That wasn't enough, of course: many more people were needed. But how to ensure they didn't take over? The people who were there first made the decisions. The core team was born.

Changing times--the FreeBSD viewpoint

This was over five years ago. Open Source software was mainly software for hackers' personal use, not something you'd use for Real Work. At the time, round mid-1994, I was using BSD/386 (the precursor of BSD/OS), and I only used FreeBSD for non-critical cases where people weren't prepared to pay BSDI's price. From the release notes for FreeBSD version 1.0, in November 1993, we note that the FreeBSD ``core'' group [sic] consisted of 11 people, three of whom are still in the core team. The document also identifies 18 further ``additional FreeBSD helpers and beta testers'', of which eight are still with us today. You can get a bit of the flavour of how times have changed from the following acknowledgement:
Dermot McDonnell for his donation of a Toshiba XM3401B CDROM drive.

Over the years, the flavour of the project changed. Somewhat to our surprise, FreeBSD became a system which could contend with the best of them. At the same time, more money became available, and now there are a large number of people using expensive hardware to develop the system. At the same time, the core team expanded. To become a member of the core team, you had to be invited by the existing core team. On one hand, this made a lot of sense: if the members of the core team can't get on with each other, not much good is going to come of it. On the other hand, the number of contributors has increased out of proportion: the core team has increased in size from 11 to 15, while the number of other contributors (now committers) has increased from 18 to over 200 (including the core team, however). Clearly the relationship between the two groups has had to change as well.

The present

As Theo observes, it's quite an achievement to keep the peace amongst such a large group of people, most of whom have never met each other. From time to time, differences of opinion arise, and we've seen a couple of ugly arguments in the past. On the whole, the core team did a very good job of mediating, but in the course of time people had problems with the core team:

The obvious first question is, of course: ``What are the duties of the core team?''. Well, guess what. They were never defined. So it's not possible to say objectively whether the core team is doing a good job or not. Taking a step back, though, it became increasingly clear that there were a number of problems, and the majority of committers thought that the core team should be doing something about it. Since April 2000, there was a lively discussion in the FreeBSD-committers mailing list. This is the mailing list to which all committers, and nobody else, belong.

In this time, over 1000 messages were sent discussing the matters. It's difficult to give an exact summary, since a lot depends on individual points of view, but briefly: