This is a verbatim copy of the home page of the self-styled “Dereel Anti Tower Alliance (DATA)” taken on 22 March 2011, missing only the navigation headers. It contains blatant lies and appears to be an attempt at defamation. I have asked Stewart McClellan to issue a retraction, but he refused.
The web site has traffic issues; if you can't access it, you will also not see the correct background on this page, which refers to it.
According to the Google Map updated on 2nd March 2011, Greg Lehey at number 47 Kleins Road, Dereel (near intersection of Dereel/Rokewood Junction Road) is a proposed site for a microwave radiation tower. Greg would benefit financially from this action (a lease on his property) while the community would suffer.
There is already a mammoth sized lattice structure radiation tower of 60 meters high with antennas on top which was approved by the Golden Plains Shire in September 2010. This will be erected at the corner of Dark and Reservoir Roads, between Corindhap and Rokewood. This new tower will network with both the existing towers at Smythesdale and Buninyong meaning microwaves are pulsed from one to another. It will cover a radius of 30kms including Shelford. The electrical power transformer upgrade to that site has now been completed so the tower should be constructed soon.
The Smythesdale tower situated at Watson’s Hill off Baglin Street is about 16 to 18 kms from Dereel. Mobile phone reception is accessed from it through north-western and central-western areas of Dereel. The CFA Shed and Hall get coverage from both this Smythesdale tower and the Buninyong tower which is about 25kms away. These towers certainly do NOT require line of sight to operate as the pulsed microwaves are powerful enough to penetrate most obstacles in their path. Microwaves received in mobile phones are thousands of times LESS than the output from a tower. Towers are far more detrimental to your health than phones. has now been updated for your reference with more than 20 pages of information from around the world collected August 2010 to March 2011.
This website already contains hundreds of pages of very credible information, and studies, peer reviewed, and articles from the public in their struggle against this problem. These are from World renowned scientists, epidemiologists, neurologists, professors, and Australia’s two top neurosurgeons operating on brain tumours. It also includes a telecommunications expert, doctors, nurses, politicians, senators, biologists, physics lecturers, electrical engineers, librarians, school councils, school teachers, university lecturers, and the public who have suffered. There are books written, videos to view, files to read and people you can speak with.
The proof is all out there with more problems surfacing every day, but you won’t know until you take the time to read it for yourself. This is not the time to sit back and put your head in the sand. The facts on microwave radiation are now out there for everyone to see.
For Telecommunications Resource Kits for Communities when they learn that a new base station / tower is proposed for construction in their neighbourhood – see:-
EMR Australia P/L at or phone 02 9576 1772 to receive a kit.
Look in The Courier Newspaper each Saturday under ‘Public Notices’ as the Telco will advertise the tower as a ‘Telcommunications Facility’, with the Golden Plains Shire logo on it. They then give the public 14 days in which to lodge their written objections into The Golden Plains Shire’s Planning Department, Attention to Tim Waller or Kate Jewell, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, Vic. 3331.
People who are employed by governments, the telecommunications industry, companies with government contracts, organizations who rely on or receive government funding, etc. can be controlled to keep silent or they may be sacked, lose their contracts or their funding if they speak out. Money can control.
The fact is if this radiation tower goes ahead it will adversely affect all living things around it – including you, your cats, dogs, birds, livestock, pollinating bees, trees and plants, etc. which is all proven scientifically – no ifs or buts – that is a certainty.