Date started: 26 March 2008
Half of:
7 kg Weyermann Pils malt
2.25 kg Joe White Caramalt, 40 EBC
Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale Yeast, from brew 119
50 g Pride +, 2006 harvest, 13.0%, 60 min
80 g Tettnang, 2006 harvest, 3.7%, 10 min
Mash type: step infusion
Pitch base malt to 15 litres at 67°. Too much for pot, overflow 2 litres. Resultant
temperature 58°
Heat to 63°.
Rest 45 minutes.
Heat to 63°
Gradually warm to about 72° over 45 minutes.
Rest at 72° for 45 minutes
Volume: 63 litres
OG: 9.6° (calculated)
Fermentation temperature: 20°
Fermentation temperature
This brew had the mother of all stuck sparges; I have no idea why.