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Greg's brewing log: Brew 40, Groggy Ale
Date started: 13 November 2004
Volume: 25 litres
100 g BiLo "draft" hopped malt extract, for starter
2.519 kg Hoepfner Pilsener Malt
2.51 8kg Vienna Malt
0.150 kg Weyermann Caraaroma malt (350 EBC).
Wyeast 1318 London Ale III yeast, from brew 33
1.42 g Wyeast yeast nutrient
no minerals
22 g Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
40 g Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
14:10: Malt (at 20°) added to 13 l water at 66°, dropped to 60°. Mashed for 10 mins. At
end 11.1%, pH 5.2.
14:20: Warm to 72°
14:30 Place in oven, mash for 60 minutes.
15:30 sparge. Initial runoff 22%, pH 5.2, 69°.
16:00 sparged 29 litres, runoff 1.3% Brix, 5.9 pH. wort 11.1 (?), pH 5.2.
16:22 Come to boil..
16:26 Add PoR, nutrient.
16:50 off boil. Bring back to boil.
17:00 Add cooler.
17:20: Add Tettnanger.
17:30: Cool to 21°.
17:55 Rack to two fermenters (13 litres each). Keep remainder in jug to separate trub.
18:10: Complete aeration (15 minutes), wait for foam to subside.
19:30: Pitched at 23°.
Initial density: 1051 (27 litres)
"Brewhouse efficiency": 86% (reverse ProMash)
Final density: 1013 (calculated)
Brix: 12.4%
pH: 5.5
Colour: 18° EBC (calculated, ProMash)
IBUs: 32 (calculated)
Date time freq
14.XI 9:15 21° 0.32
17:10 21° 0.73
15.XI 9:30 21° 0.15
18:20 21° 0.077
16.XI 9:30 19° 0.048
18:15 21° 0.055
17.XI 10:00 21° 0.063
18:00 23° 0.079
18.XI 7:20 22° 0.060
19:30 21° 0.062
19.XI 9:50 21° 0.059
20.XI 10:00 SG 1019, 7.8% Brix, pH 4.3
Bottled with 218 g saccharose (8 g/l)
After priming:
SG: 1022
Brix: 8.2%
pH: 4.3
Bottling statistics:
Bottles size total
12 0.75 l 9.0 l
22 0.5 l 11.0 l
18 0.375 l 6.75 l
Total 52 26.75 l
This brew is the similar to Brew 39 except for:
Wyeast 1318 yeast.
Problems which give a lower OG.
It's not clear why the OG was lower than Brew 39. The grains
were identical, and the mash was supposed to be identical. Possibilities are:
Slightly lower mash temperature. This shouldn't make a difference, but the 60° mash
was very short.
Somewhat faster sparge. Although it started off at a lower OG, the final runoff was
higher (1.3% Brix as compared to 1.1% Brix).
Maybe the grain wasn't as well mixed as I thought it was (took half the total crushed
grain; maybe I got more husks in this one).
It's worth noting that the results are still much higher than the values that ProMash
calculated (1041/10.3% after sparge, 1044/11.1% at 27 litres). Also, the Brix value after
boiling doesn't look that bad any more.
$Id: brew-40.php,v 1.7 2010/03/18 02:11:06 grog Exp $