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Greg's brewing log: Brew 42, Groggy Ale

Date started:   21 November 2004
Volume:         27 litres

100 g           BiLo "draft" hopped malt extract, for starter

2.492 kg        Hoepfner Pilsener Malt
2.500 kg        Hoepfner Münchner Malt
0.153 kg        Weyermann Caramünch II malt (350 EBC).

                Wyeast 1318 London Ale Yeast III, from starter
1 g             Wyeast yeast nutrient
0.5 g           K2S2O5
2g              MgSO4
2g              CaSO4

22 g            Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
45 g            Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
Actual volume:             27 litres
Initial density:           1050
Brix:                      12.4% (agree, for once)
"Brewhouse efficiency":    88% (reverse ProMash) 
pH:                        5.5
Final density:             1013 (calculated)
IBUs:                      33 (calculated)
Potential ethanol:         5.1 v/v
                           4.0 w/v

Colour:                    25° EBC (calculated)

Date      time     freq
22.XI     9:00     19°   0.42
         14:45     19°   0.64
         20:25     19°   0.71
23.  XI    9:50     19°   0.21
24.  XI    8:35     19°   0.081
25.XI     8:35     19°   0.065
27.XI     8:35     19°   0.088
29.XI    10:00     19°   0.089

4.XII    12:00     Bottled with 235 g saccharose (9 g/l)

Before priming:
Brix       6.5%
pH         4.4

After priming:
SG        1016
Brix       7.2%%

Bottling statistics:
        Bottles         size      total
            6            0.75       4.5
           25            0.5       12.5
           23            0.375      8.625

Total      55                      25.625         

Fermentation temperature

Fermentation temperature graph


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