Greg's brewing log
Brew 46, Groggy Ale
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Date started:   3 January 2005
Volume:         27 litres

2.040 kg        Hoepfner Pilsener Malt, 3.5 EBC
3.051 kg        Hoepfner Münchner Malt, 12 EBC
0.256 kg        Hoepfner Melanoidin Malt,  40 EBC

                Wyeast 1338 London Ale Yeast III, from Brew 44
1.13 g          Wyeast yeast nutrient
0.50 g          K2S2O5
2.66 g          MgSO4
1.53 g          CaSO4

25 g            Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
50 g            Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
Actual volume:             27 litres
Initial density:           1048
Brix:                      12.8%
"Brewhouse efficiency":    83% (reverse ProMash, based on %Brix)
pH:                        5.4
Final density:             1013 (calculated)
IBUs:                      33 (calculated)
Potential ethanol:         5.3 v/v
                           4.15 w/v

Colour:                    14° EBC (calculated)

Date      time     freq
4.  I      8:10     19.0°    0.29 Hz
          18:10     19.0°    0.28 Hz
5.  I      8:15     19.0°    0.13 Hz
6.  I      9:25     19.0°    0.098 Hz
7.  I      8:50     19.0°    0.072 Hz
16.I bottled with 9 g/l cane sugar.

Before priming:
        SG    1022 (!)
        Brix  8.7%
        pH    4.4

After priming:
        Brix   9.3%
        pH    4.4

Bottling statistics:
        Bottles         size      total
         18              0.75      13.5
         22              0.5       11.0

Total                              24.5

Fermentation temperature

Fermentation temperature graph


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