Date started: 3 January 2005
Volume: 27 litres
2.040 kg Hoepfner Pilsener Malt, 3.5 EBC
3.051 kg Hoepfner Münchner Malt, 12 EBC
0.256 kg Hoepfner Melanoidin Malt, 40 EBC
Wyeast 1338 London Ale Yeast III, from Brew 44
1.13 g Wyeast yeast nutrient
0.50 g K2S2O5
2.66 g MgSO4
1.53 g CaSO4
25 g Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
50 g Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
10:55 Add all grains to 13 l water at 67°. Resultant temperature 62° (barely)
11:25 Temperature dropped to 60°, heated on small flame.
11:37 Temperature at 72°
13:37 Temperature 67°, start sparge. Brix completely off scale (>> 23°), pH 5.3
Still cloudy.
14:13 Sparge finished. Last runoff 1.6% Brix, pH 5.9.
14:27 Comes to boil.
14:29 Add PoR.
15:03 Add cooler.
15:19 Add Tettnang, yeast nutrient.
15:29 Cool
16:01 Start aeration.
16:29 Finish aeration.
16:59 Pitch at 27° (!)
Actual volume: 27 litres
Initial density: 1048
Brix: 12.8%
"Brewhouse efficiency": 83% (reverse ProMash, based on %Brix)
pH: 5.4
Final density: 1013 (calculated)
IBUs: 33 (calculated)
Potential ethanol: 5.3 v/v
4.15 w/v
Colour: 14° EBC (calculated)
Date time freq
4. I 8:10 19.0° 0.29 Hz
18:10 19.0° 0.28 Hz
5. I 8:15 19.0° 0.13 Hz
6. I 9:25 19.0° 0.098 Hz
7. I 8:50 19.0° 0.072 Hz
16.I bottled with 9 g/l cane sugar.
Before priming:
SG 1022 (!)
Brix 8.7%
pH 4.4
After priming:
Brix 9.3%
pH 4.4
Bottling statistics:
Bottles size total
18 0.75 13.5
22 0.5 11.0
Total 24.5
Fermentation temperature
Something went seriously wrong with this brew. At bottling time it looked as if
fermentation had completely ceased, but it was much higher in FG even than brew 45. Bottled in reusable bottles in case of overpressure.
$Id: brew-46.php,v 1.3 2010/03/18 02:11:06 grog Exp $