Date started: 9 February 2005
Volume: 26 litres
2.010 kg Weyermann Pilsener Malt, 3 EBC
3.030 kg Hoepfner Münchner Malt, 12 EBC
0.256 kg Weyermann CaraAroma malt, 400 EBC
Wyeast 1968 ESB Yeast, from new second-level starter
1 g Wyeast yeast nutrient
0.20 g K2S2O5
2.0 g MgSO4
2.2 g CaSO4
22 g Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
33 g Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
8:43 Add all grains to 13 l water at 68°. Resultant temperature 61°
9:14 Temperature dropped to 60°, heated on small flame.
9:27 Temperature at 70°
10:27 Temperature 69°, start sparge. Brix off scale (> 23°), pH 5.3 Quite clear. Added
MgSO4, CaSO4 and K2S2O5 to wort.
11:10 Sparge finished. Last runoff 1.7% Brix, pH 5.9.
11:18 Comes to boil.
11:22 Add PoR.
12:02 Add cooler.
12:12 Add Tettnang, yeast nutrient.
12:22 Cool
12:38 rack
12:43 Start aeration.
12:48 Finish aeration.
12:53 Pitch at 24.5°
Actual volume: 26 litres
Initial density: 1051
Brix: 13.4%
pH: 5.3
Date time freq
10. ii 9:05 20.0° 0.23 Hz
19:00 20.0° 0.58 Hz
11. ii 9:15 20.0° 0.66 Hz
18:25 20.0° 0.50 Hz
12. ii 7:15 20.0° 0.25 Hz
13. ii 18:45 20.0° 0.042 Hz
20. ii. 2005 Bottled with 228g (9 g/l) saccharose.
Before priming:
SG 1016
Brix 8.0%
pH 4.6
After priming:
Brix 8.6
Bottling statistics:
Bottles size total
23 0.5 11.5
36 0.375 13.5
Total 25.0
Fermentation temperature
Significantly better efficiency this time. Wort was also much clearer than in previous
Darker than planned. Got my coloured malt quantities mixed up.
Less aeration than in previous brews. It should be enough, but it's easier to handle
overflow like this.
$Id: brew-48.php,v 1.5 2010/03/18 02:11:06 grog Exp $