Yvonne's salade lyonnaise
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This is a recipe we first made on 27 December 2013 to get rid of leftover turkey. It comes from a recipe variously called „Truthahnsalat mit Sardellen“ or «Salade lyonnaise», apparently originally from a book called «La cuisine lyonnaise».

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In the first iteration it was good, but not spectacular. It looks like something that will be worth developing. The current recipe is a best guess at what we'll do next time.


quantity       ingredient       step
300 g       potatoes       1
6       salted anchovies       2
4 (50 g?)       small gherkins       3
350 g       Left-over roast turkey, including crisp skin       4
50 ml       vinaigrette       5
50 ml       white wine       5
10 g       parsley       6
100 g       beetroot       7
5 g       salt       7
      vinegar       7
      oil       7
50 g       carrot (optional)       8


  1. Boil the potatoes in their skin.

  2. Rinse, dry and fillet the anchovies.

  3. Slice or chop the gherkins.

  4. Cut the turkey into cubes.

  5. Mix anchovies, gherkins and turkey with the vinaigrette and leave for an hour.

  6. Chop the parsley.

  7. Cut potatoes and beetroot into slices about 4 mm thick. Add parsley and potatoes to mixture, add salt, wine and vinegar and oil to taste.

  8. If desired, add sliced raw carrot.

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