menuchoice — A selection or series of selections from a menu
In applications that present graphical user interfaces, it is often necessary to select an item, or a series of items, from a menu in order to accomplish some action. The menuchoice
element provides a wrapper to contain the complete combination of selections.
Formatted inline.
A menuchoice
may generate arrows or other punctuation between multiple GUI elements. The shortcut
may be suppressed, or sometimes it is presented in parentheses after the rest of the items.
These elements contain menuchoice
: bridgehead
, caption
(db.html.caption), citation
, citetitle
, classsynopsisinfo
, emphasis
(db.emphasis), entry
, firstterm
, funcsynopsisinfo
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
, html:button
, html:label
, html:legend
, link
, member
, olink
, orgdiv
, para
, phrase
(db.phrase), primary
, primaryie
, programlisting
, quote
, refdescriptor
, refentrytitle
, refname
, refpurpose
, screen
, secondary
, secondaryie
, see
, seealso
, seealsoie
, seeie
, seg
, segtitle
, simpara
, subtitle
, synopsis
, td
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, tertiaryie
, th
, title
, titleabbrev
, tocentry
, userinput
The following elements occur in menuchoice: guibutton
, guiicon
, guilabel
, guimenu
, guimenuitem
, guisubmenu
, shortcut
, guibutton
, guiicon
, guilabel
, guimenu
, guimenuitem
, guisubmenu
, keycap
, keycode
, keycombo
, keysym
, mousebutton
, shortcut
<article xmlns=''> <title>Example menuchoice</title> <para>You can exit from GNU Emacs with <menuchoice> <shortcut> <keycombo><keysym>C-x</keysym><keysym>C-c</keysym></keycombo> </shortcut> <guimenu>Files</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Exit Emacs</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. </para> </article>
You can exit from GNU Emacs with C-x+C-c).
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