xref — A cross reference to another part of the document
xref ::=
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
Additional attributes:
Required attributes are shown in bold.
The xref
element forms a cross-reference from the location of the xref
to the element to which it points. Unlike link
and the other cross-referencing elements, xref
is empty. The processing system has to generate appropriate cross-reference text for the
Under ordinary circumstances, the xref
points to the some element with its linkend
attribute and the processing system generates appropriate cross reference text. There are three ways for the author to influence the generated text:
If the endterm
attribute is specified on xref
, the content of the element pointed to by endterm
will be used as the text of the cross-reference.
Otherwise, if the object pointed to has a specified xreflabel
, the content of that attribute will be used as the cross-reference text.
Finally, the author may specify a keyword (or other information) in the xrefstyle
attribute. Unlike endterm
and xreflabel
which have rigid semantics, the content of the xrefstyle
attribute is simply additional information for the processing system. What effect it has, if any, is dependent on the processing system.
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
Points to the element whose content is to be used as the text of the link
Specifies a keyword or keywords identifying additional style information
These elements contain xref
: abbrev
, accel
, acronym
, address
, application
, arg
, artpagenums
, attribution
, authorinitials
, bibliocoverage
, biblioid
, bibliomisc
, bibliomset
, bibliorelation
, bibliosource
, bridgehead
, caption
(db.html.caption), citation
, citebiblioid
, citetitle
, city
, classname
, classsynopsisinfo
, code
, command
, computeroutput
, confdates
, confnum
, confsponsor
, conftitle
, constant
, contractnum
, contractsponsor
, contrib
, country
, database
, edition
, email
, emphasis
(db._emphasis), emphasis
(db.emphasis), entry
, envar
, errorcode
, errorname
, errortext
, errortype
, exceptionname
, fax
, filename
, firstname
, firstterm
, foreignphrase
, funcdef
, funcparams
, funcsynopsisinfo
, function
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
, guibutton
, guiicon
, guimenu
, guimenuitem
, guisubmenu
, hardware
, holder
, honorific
, html:button
, html:label
, html:legend
, initializer
, interfacename
, issuenum
, jobtitle
, keycap
, keycode
, keysym
, label
, lineage
, lineannotation
, link
, literal
, literallayout
, manvolnum
, markup
, mathphrase
, member
, methodname
, modifier
, mousebutton
, msgaud
, msglevel
, msgorig
, olink
, option
, optional
, orgdiv
, orgname
, otheraddr
, othername
, package
, pagenums
, para
, paramdef
, parameter
, personname
, phone
, phrase
(db._phrase), phrase
(db.phrase), pob
, postcode
, primary
, primaryie
, productname
, productnumber
, programlisting
, prompt
, property
, publishername
, quote
, refdescriptor
, refentrytitle
, refmiscinfo
, refname
, refpurpose
, releaseinfo
, remark
, replaceable
, returnvalue
, revnumber
, screen
, secondary
, secondaryie
, see
, seealso
, seealsoie
, seeie
, seg
, segtitle
, seriesvolnums
, shortaffil
, simpara
, state
, street
, subscript
, subtitle
, superscript
, surname
, symbol
, systemitem
, tag
, td
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, tertiaryie
, th
, title
, titleabbrev
, tocentry
, token
, trademark
, uri
, userinput
, varname
, volumenum
, wordasword
, year
<book xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'> <title>An Example Book</title> <chapter xml:id="ch01"><title>XRef Samples</title> <para>This paragraph demonstrates several features of <tag>XRef</tag>. </para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para>A straight link generates the cross-reference text: <xref linkend="ch02"/>. </para></listitem> <listitem><para>A link to an element with an <tag class="attribute">XRefLabel</tag>: <xref linkend="ch03"/>. </para></listitem> <listitem><para>A link with an <tag class="attribute">EndTerm</tag>: <xref linkend="ch04" endterm="ch04short"/>. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> </chapter> <chapter xml:id="ch02"> <title>The Second Chapter</title> <para>Some content here</para> </chapter> <chapter xml:id="ch03" xreflabel="Chapter the Third"> <title>The Third Chapter</title> <para>Some content here</para> </chapter> <chapter xml:id="ch04"> <title>The Fourth Chapter</title> <titleabbrev xml:id="ch04short">Chapter 4</titleabbrev> <para>Some content here</para> </chapter> </book>