Date started: 6 March 2005
Volume: 26 litres
2.509 kg Weyermann Pilsener Malt, 3.5 EBC
2.520 kg Weyermann Münchner Malt, 20-25 EBC
0.260 kg Weyermann Melanoidin Malt, 30 EBC
Wyeast 1968 ESB yeast, from brew 48
1 g Wyeast yeast nutrient
2.0 g MgSO4
2.0 g CaSO4
22 g Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
33 g Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
12:56 Add all grains to 11.75 l water at 62°. Resultant temperature 56°
13:09 (13 minutes) Temperature dropped to 56°. Add 2.5 litres boiling water, temperature
rises to 62°
13:56 (45 min) 62°. Turn on heat.
14:10 Temperature 72°. Rest.
14:55 (45 min) 72°. Heat.
15:01 Temperature 78°. Rest.
15:12 76°, start sparge, Brix >23% (off scale), pH 5.2
15:52 sparge finished, 2.5% Brix, p5.5.
16:02 Comes to boil
16:05 Add PoR
16:45 Insert cooler
16:47 Add Tettnang, minerals, nutrient.
17:07 Start cooling
17:30 Aerate 13 litres
17:45 Stop aeration
18:30 Decant rest, pitch at
Actual volume: 27 litres
Initial density: 1053
Brix: 13.3%
pH: 5.4
Date time freq
7.iii 19:40 0.33
8.iii 9:00 0.33
18:05 0.25
9.iii 9:15 0.32
10.iii 9:50 0.19
20.iii bottled with 243g (9 g/l) saccharose.
Before priming:
SG 1018
Brix 8.2%
After priming:
Brix 8.6%
Bottling statistics:
Bottles size total
41 0.5 20.5
16 0.375 6.0
Total 26.5
Fermentation temperature
Changed mashing schedule to reflect the Standardinfusionsverfahren described in
Hubert Hanghofer's “Bier brauen nach eigenem Geschmack”.