Date started: 2 April 2005
Volume: 26 litres
2.503 kg Joe White Maltings Traditional Ale Malt
2.507 kg Weyermann Caramünch II (20-25 EBC)
0.203 kg Joe White Maltings Caramalt EBC 40
Wyeast 1968 ESB yeast, from brew 51
1 g Wyeast yeast nutrient
22 g Pride of Ringwood 10.1% AA, 60 min
6.7g Tettnang 5.5% AA, 10 min
32 g Tettnang 4.2 AA, 10 min
9:33 Add Ale, München malt to 9 l water @ 70°. Resultant temperature 60°.
10:05 Add 5 litres boiling water, temperature -> 73°.
10:06 Add .75 cold water, resultant tempearture 71°.
10:09 Add Caramalt .
10:50 Temperature 65° (!). Start sparge, initial runnings Brix 22%, pH 5.3.
11:23 Finished sparge 29 l, last runnings 2.0%, pH 5.7
11:37 Comes to boil.
11:40 Add PoR.
12:31 Add Tettnang, nutrient.
12:41 Cool.
13:00 Aerate 15 l, continue cooling remainder.
13:15 Finish aeration, cool, rack, pitch at 23°.
Actual volume: 27 litres
Initial density: 1048
Brix: 12.0%
pH: 5.3
Date time freq
3.IV 17:50 0.40
4.IV 19:30 0.32
5.IV 8:15 0.27
18:55 0.19
6.IV 7:30 0.12
7.IV 9:15 0.047
16.IV bottled with 243g (9 g/l) saccharose.
Before priming:
SG 1019
Brix 7.5%
Bottling statistics:
Bottles size total
41 0.5 20.5
16 0.375 6.0
Total 26.5
Fermentation temperature
Attempt to control mash temperature by adding boiling water is not a good idea. It's far
too stiff to start with, and measuring the temperature is difficult (presumably because the
malt warms up slowly).