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Beer consumption statistics

Current beer stocks

$Date: 2007/06/28 01:13:11 $

This page shows my current stocks of beer in bottles. Since I have started kegging, it shows only part of the story; at some point I may modify it to show the kegs as well.

Brew       bottled       0.75 l       0.5 l       0.375 l       total       litres      
41 4. XII 0 2 1 3 1.38 finished
42 4. XII 0 2 2 4 1.75 finished
56 2. VII - 4 0 4 2.00 finished
82 16. vii - 5 1 6 2.88
84 26. viii 1 7 - 8 4.25
98 23. iii - 7 1 8 3.88
Total bottles 1 27 5 33
Total litres 0.75 13.50 1.88 16.12


  1. Brews are considered “finished” when only five bottles remain. They're reserved for comparisons at a later date. When a brew is completely finished, it no longer appears in this list.
  2. The symbol - instead of a number means that no bottles of that size were used. The symbol 0 means that all bottles used have been consumed.

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