Since Christmas 2000, I've held an annual barbecue for the local open source hackers. The
fifth, nominally for 2004, took place on 2 January 2005.
Present were Daniel O'Connor (as always) with his wife Fiona, Berndt Wulf and Chris Yeoh.
New were Dale Long and (briefly) Ben Elliston and his wife Lisa, who came in basically to
take a look and go again.
Every barbecue is different; this time was marked at least by fewer photos:
Also spent some time talking about infrared receivers. Daniel brought a kit that had built a
while ago, but (strangely) it only recognized some of the codes generated by the Philips
remote control that I wanted to use.
Chris wrote a program for TiVo some time ago, mainly intended to help the TiVo send commands
to foreign VCRs, but it should also be able to help us identify what the difference is with
the “dead” keys.