refsection — A recursive section in a refentry
(db.html.informaltable)Reference pages have their own hierarchical structure. A refsection
is a recursive division in a refentry
, analagous to a section
elsewhere in the document.
The value of a separate hierarchical structure is that it allows the content model of sections in reference pages to be customized differently than the content model of sections outside.
Common attributes and common linking attributes.
Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes
Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs
The following elements occur in refsection: address
, anchor
, annotation
, bibliolist
, blockquote
, bridgehead
, calloutlist
, caution
, classsynopsis
, cmdsynopsis
, constraintdef
, constructorsynopsis
, destructorsynopsis
, epigraph
, equation
, example
, fieldsynopsis
, figure
, formalpara
, funcsynopsis
, glosslist
, html:form
, important
, indexterm
(db.indexterm.endofrange), indexterm
(db.indexterm.singular), indexterm
(db.indexterm.startofrange), info
(, info
(, informalequation
, informalexample
, informalfigure
, informaltable
(db.cals.informaltable), informaltable
(db.html.informaltable), itemizedlist
, literallayout
, mediaobject
, methodsynopsis
, msgset
, note
, orderedlist
, para
, procedure
, productionset
, programlisting
, programlistingco
, qandaset
, refsection
, remark
, revhistory
, screen
, screenco
, screenshot
, segmentedlist
, sidebar
, simpara
, simplelist
, subtitle
, synopsis
, table
(db.cals.table), table
(db.html.table), task
, tip
, title
, titleabbrev
, variablelist
, warning