
segmentedlist — A segmented list, a list of sets of elements


segmentedlist ::=


A segmentedlist consists of a set of headings (segtitles) and a list of parallel sets of elements. Every seglistitem contains a set of elements that have a one-to-one correspondence with the headings. Each of these elements is contained in a seg.

Processing expectations

Segmented lists can be formatted in a number of ways. Two popular formats are tabular and as a list of repeated headings and elements. In a tabular presentation, the segmentedlist is the table. In the list presentation, the segmentedlist surrounds the entire list of blocks of heading/element pairs.


The following elements occur in segmentedlist: info (, info (, seglistitem, segtitle, title, titleabbrev.

See Also

calloutlist, itemizedlist, listitem, orderedlist, simplelist, variablelist


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example segmentedlist</title>

<para>The capitals of the states of the United States of America are:

<segmentedlist><title>State Capitals</title>
<?dbhtml list-presentation="list"?>
<seglistitem><seg>Arkansas</seg><seg>Little Rock</seg></seglistitem>



The capitals of the states of the United States of America are:

State Capitals
State: Alabama
Capital: Montgomery
State: Alaska
Capital: Juneau
State: Arkansas
Capital: Little Rock
<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example segmentedlist</title>

<para><segmentedlist><title>State Capitals</title>
<?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
<seglistitem><seg>Arkansas</seg><seg>Little Rock</seg></seglistitem>


State Capitals
State Capital
Alabama Montgomery
Alaska Anchorage
Arkansas Little Rock


This alpha reference page is $Revision: 7120 $ published Sun, 22 Jul 2007.