This is one of many pages describing plants and animal life
that we have in our garden. In many cases, we don't know what they are. Comments welcome.
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This used to be Mystery plant 16. There are several of them in the north garden bed round the
lilac. I think some were there last year, and they died down in the winter and came back
again in the spring. In (late January 2009) they were
about 1.2 metres high.
In May 2009 I though I had identified it as a
Virgilia capensis, but
when they finally flowered in late winter, on 31 July 2009, by which
time they were over 2 metres high, the flowers were yellow:
Based on this information, Laurel Gordon tells me that this is a Senna aciphylla, which seems plausible. Here's a French photo (they seem to be popular in France):