Greg's surviving with Android
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This page contains links to things that I have found helpful in my attempt to survive with Android.

Shell access with adb

adb is the Android Debug Bridge, which enables communication between an Android device and a Real Computer. I haven't got round to looking at all its capabilities, but it does allow access to the Android device via USB, and it provides a relatively normal shell environment.

FreeBSD setup

The good news: it works well and presents a relatively sane interface to the Android system, including files that are inaccessible to most apps. The not-so-good news: setup is non-trivial. I'm still learning, and some of what follows may be incorrect or suboptimal, but it works. I welcome constructive feedback.

Then continue:

# adb shell

And then you're in! Simple, isn't it? Points to note:

Random links

How to Disable Randomized MAC Addresses on Android

Greg's home page Greg's diary Greg's photos Copyright

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