Greg's Setting up a new FreeBSD system
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Work in progress. Caveat lector

This is a part of the new system HOWTO pages. It relates to upgrading an existing machine by installing a new system on a new disk. See the main page for other options. This is very much the way I do things, and certain aspects are not useful elsewhere.

New installation

Reinstalling ports

Current kludge, in /home/Sysconfig:
awk < installed-ports '{printf ("cd %s; %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, \
$12, $13, $15, $15); }'|uniq > installports
mailme sh installports

After rebooting

This is all wrong. To be fixed.

Old stuff, probably useless

  • Get a recent FreeBSD version on /destdir hierarchy. Need to work out the best way to do this. Currently I copy a partition from another recent system.
  • Set DESTDIR globally:

    export DESTDIR=/destdir
  • If the partition has been copied from another machine, remove all ports and local copies of source and object trees:

    rm -rf $DESTDIR/var/db/pkg/* $DESTDIR/var/db/ports/*
    if [ -d $DESTDIR/usr/src ]; then
      rm -rf $DESTDIR/usr/src
      ln -s /src/FreeBSD//svn/stable/8 $DESTDIR/usr/src
    if [ -d $DESTDIR/usr/ports ]; then
      rm -rf $DESTDIR/usr/ports
      ln -s /src/FreeBSD/ports $DESTDIR/usr/ports
  • Upgrade to latest version of FreeBSD with
    make buildworld
    make kernel
    make installworld

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