Greg's Abendbrot
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„Abendbrot“ is a German word that can be translated literally as “evening bread”. It's the typical evening meal in many parts of Germany, though I note that the German Wikipedia redirects to „Abendessen“ (evening meal), not quite the same thing. But to quote that page:

The warm main meal of the day in Germany is eaten at midday, while in the early evening as the last meal of the day bread with cheese or sausage and cold or warm drinks are usual.

And that's what I'm talking about on this page. It sounds boring, and it can be, but with the right ingredients it can be very tasty, and we've gradually taken to eating an Abendbrot once a week. It's not easy in Australia, since the main ingredients aren't readily available. Yes, of course there's bread, cheese and sausage (called “cold cuts” in Australia), but the quality is frequently abysmal. We've come to the following compromise:

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