Greg's cailles aux raisins
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This is a recipe we first made on 4 September 2017. It's a variant on the cailles aux raisins secs that we had made before. It's based on this recipe. This recipe reflects my thoughts of 7 September 2019.
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For two servings

quantity       ingredient       step
40 g       dried raisins       1
40 g       cooking brandy (to cover)       1
1 (4g)       Chicken stock cube       2
10 g       sugar       2
60 ml       water       2
2       quails (400 g)       3
15 g       butter       4
40 g       shallot, finely chopped       5
2 slices       bacon or cold-smoked ham       6
120 g       grapes       7
40 g       butter       8


  1. Soak the raisins in brandy for at least 2 hours.

  2. Dissolve the stock cube and sugar in the water.

  3. Salt and pepper the insides of the quails. Drain the raisins, keeping the brandy, and fill the quails with the raisins.

  4. Melt butter and brown the quails in it for about 4 minutes.

  5. Remove quails and fry the shallots in the remaining butter until translucent.
  6. Wrap bacon around the quails and replace in the pot with the stock. Bring to the boil and simmer on a low flame for 45 minutes.

  7. Cut the grapes lengthways. The correct way is to put the grapes in boiling water and leave until the skins become loose (about 1 minute), then peel the grapes, but that's too much work for me.

  8. Remove the quails and put in the grapes. Add butter and warm. Shortly before serving, add the remaining brandy, then serve with the quails.

  9. Serve with spiral noodles, about 25 to 30 g dry spirali per person.

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