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This page is derived from my page on curry laksa. It's intended to be a quick and easy dish for breakfast. I'm still working on the quantities.

As with the curry laksa recipe, I make it in two steps. The first is enough for more than one breakfast, the second for one breakfast, though this isn't as important as with the laksa, and it may change.

Here are the current recipes:

Part 1

This mixture can be divided and kept in the fridge.


quantity       ingredient       step
300 g       rice noodles       1
1 jar (225 g)       Pad Thai spice mix       2
      oil       2
200 g       fish, chicken, or both       3
200 ml l       water       3
160 g (about 4 cubes)       fried dofu       3


  1. Boil or soak noodles, depending on type, until soft.
  2. Cut dofu into about 4 mm slices.
  3. Cut meat into small cubes and fry until cooked.
  4. Mix paste with enough water to make it mix with the other ingredients. Add with the dofu to the fish and mix well. Add noodles and mix well again.

Part 2

This is done directly before serving.

quantity       ingredient       step
40 g       cooked prawns       1
ΒΌ       mixture from part 1       2
      chopped coriander       3
65 g       bean sprouts       3


  1. Gently warm the prawns until almost hot. Don't overdo it or they'll get tough.
  2. Heat the noodle mixture in the microwave oven.
  3. Add prawns, garnish with chopped coriander and bean sprouts

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