Greg's pollo ai funghi
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This is derived from a recipe for pollo in cacciucco in Lonernza De' Medici's “Tuscany: The beautiful Cookbook”. It was for a whole chicken, so I'm calling this one simply pollo ai funghi (chicken with mushrooms).


quantity       ingredient       step
20 g       dried porcini mushrooms       1
100 g       onion       2
      olive oil       2
40 g       carrot       3
30 g       celery       3
12 g       garlic       4
320 g       chicken breast       5
400 g       canned tomatoes, with juice       7
      chopped parsley       7
2 or 3       twigs of fresh thyme       7
12 g       salt       7


  1. Soak the mushrooms in hot water for 30 minutes.

  2. Chop the onion finely and fry slowly in the olive oil.

  3. Chop the carrot and celery and add to the onion when it is partially cooked.

  4. Peel the garlic and crush into the pan.

  5. Chop the chicken into pieces (“cubes”) roughly 1.5 cm across. Add to the pan.

  6. Cut the mushrooms into slices about 1 cm square. Add to the pan.

  7. Add the tomatoes, parsley, thyme twigs and salt and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes.

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