My father, Norman George Lehey, turned 80 years old on 29 March 2003. On 12 April we celebrated his birthday in the Court Theatre in Stratford, on the river Avon in Gippsland.
The next day we had a barbecue at the Kline's house North of Briagalong. Here are some of the
better photos. They're all there, including the less successful ones, here.
Click on any of the photos to get bigger versions.
The fourth generation since George: Rear row: William Cottrell, Jasper Kline, Alice
Cottrell, Bruno Consalvo
Front: Jason, Joseph Cottrell, Stephanie, Helen Cottrell, Taylor, Norman Lehey, Yana Lehey.
The live snakes were really a box with bags of lollies in them. Max told the kids that there
were snakes in there, but they should grab quickly and they wouldn't get hurt. Then he went
and grabbed them from the side as they stuck their hands in.