These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-autumn 2018, taken mainly on 17 April 2018. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to record what was in the garden at the time.
The beginning of the month was mild, and things flowered relatively well. But then we had a few days of strong winds and heavy rain, and that made a big difference—also in the fact that I didn't take the photos until 17 April.
There's not very much to say. The roses have recovered well after getting more water:
The Alyssum outside the office has recovered:
The Buddlejas are still all alive, but the smaller of the two established plants is looking less happy than it should:
It's not dead, but it's not exactly thriving either. The recent wind may have something to do with that. The other bush isn't looking very good either:
On the other hand, all of the cuttings I made last month are all still alive, and the photos are in the “also ran” below.
The potted Mandevillas are looking good, though:
I'm half inclined to leave the white one in the entrance, where it's relatively protected.
The Mandevilla laxa and Clematis seem to have finished flowering, though in the case of the Mandevilla it could have been mainly the wind:
The first image shows the location of both a Clematis and the Mandevilla.
Despite the weather, the buds on the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in the garden seem to be ripening:
I still don't have too much hope that it will bloom.
Here are the rest:
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