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Greg's network link statistics
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This page shows my network availability and performance statistics connected to the Australian National Broadband Network. It bases on earlier pages that I wrote for the DSL and satellite connections.

I had hoped that with the advent of the NBN, this page would no longer be needed. Unfortunately, this has proven not to be the case. While I don't have issues with throughput, the availability has been the worst I have ever experienced, with outages of up to 48 hours. It's not clear where the problem lies, but I have observed serious issues with the DHCP authentication that my ISP uses. More here when I understand the situation better.

The graphs show:

I previously had parameters "link status" and "TCP speed”, but they no longer seem to make much sense.

The graphs were made with gnuplot, and I'm not very happy with the smoothing. In particular, the right-hand side of smoothed graphs has too much influence, and it's easy to get the false impression that the link status or TCP speed have changed significantly in the last few minutes. If anybody can point me at a way to fix this problem, I'd be grateful.

Click on the graphs for a 1600x1200 version.

NBN link statistics NBN link statistics

NBN link statistics NBN link statistics

NBN link statistics NBN link statistics

NBN link statistics NBN link statistics

NBN link statistics NBN link

Detailed outage information

This section monitors the NBN link for outages, including planned outages. I have manually edited the data to remove false positives, such as when moving house. I have a program that evaluates the outage information and produces detailed outage information. Here's the information on the past 20 outages, along with the overall statistics:

Start time End time  Duration   Badness        from                    to

1697464019 1697464740    721	  0.001	# 17 October 2023 00:46:59 17 October 2023 00:59:00
1702567909 1702567912      3	  0.001	# 15 December 2023 02:31:49 15 December 2023 02:31:52
1706100974 1706101458    484	  0.001	# 24 January 2024 23:56:14 25 January 2024 00:04:18
1708620409 1708621921   1512	  0.001	# 23 February 2024 03:46:49 23 February 2024 04:12:01
1712850842 1712850898     56	  0.001	# 12 April 2024 01:54:02 12 April 2024 01:54:58
1713572524 1713572636    112	  0.005	# 20 April 2024 10:22:04 20 April 2024 10:23:56
1714489481 1714489593    112	  0.004	#  1 May 2024 01:04:41  1 May 2024 01:06:33
1714517588 1714519527   1939	  0.129	#  1 May 2024 08:53:08  1 May 2024 09:25:27
1714658759 1714658772     13	  0.026	#  3 May 2024 00:05:59  3 May 2024 00:06:12
1714659257 1714659281     24	  7.423	#  3 May 2024 00:14:17  3 May 2024 00:14:41
1715036610 1715037259    649	  0.010	#  7 May 2024 09:03:30  7 May 2024 09:14:19
1715045217 1715047020   1803	  0.452	#  7 May 2024 11:26:57  7 May 2024 11:57:00
1715095688 1715095801    113	  0.074	#  8 May 2024 01:28:08  8 May 2024 01:30:01
1715126956 1715128070   1114	  0.116	#  8 May 2024 10:09:16  8 May 2024 10:27:50
1715264908 1715264942     34	  0.026	# 10 May 2024 00:28:28 10 May 2024 00:29:02
1715266814 1715266838     24	  1.923	# 10 May 2024 01:00:14 10 May 2024 01:00:38

Total 567 outages, total time 1216831 seconds (14 days, 02:00:31)
Longest outage:			192150 seconds (2 days, 05:22:30)
   Start:			21 February 2015 04:36:54
   End:				23 February 2015 09:59:24
Average time between outages:	581472 seconds (6 days, 17:31:12)
Average duration:		2146 seconds (00:35:46)
Availability:			99.63%

“Badness” is an attempt to quantify the effect. It's the reciprocal of the number of seconds per hour that the link was up between failures (i.e. 3600 / uptime).

And here is the summary information for the past 10 days with a less than 100% record:

Timestamp      Outages  Duration  Availability    Date
1702558800	  1	     3	100.00%	# 15 December 2023
1706014800	  1	   226	 99.74%	# 24 January 2024
1708606800	  1	  1512	 98.25%	# 23 February 2024
1712844000	  1	    56	 99.94%	# 12 April 2024
1713535200	  1	   112	 99.87%	# 20 April 2024
1714485600	  2	  2051	 97.63%	#  1 May 2024
1714658400	  2	    37	 99.96%	#  3 May 2024
1715004000	  2	  2452	 97.16%	#  7 May 2024
1715090400	  2	  1227	 98.58%	#  8 May 2024
1715263200	  2	    58	 99.93%	# 10 May 2024

The dates in the left columns are in UNIX time_t format to ease further processing. I also have lists of all individual outages, or summaries per day.

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