These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-autumn 2019, taken mainly on 15 April 2019. They're not all overly
pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to record what was in the garden at the time.
Gradually the weather is getting milder, though it's still relatively warm. Today the
temperature reached 28°.
The Hebes are a mixed bunch. The
ones I was worried about are almost certainly dead, but some of the others have started
flowering again.
I think they're too sensitive to drying out. Next year they'll all be planted in beds.
Since being freed from their big brothers, the
small Carpobrotus seem to be feeling
a lot better. This one in particular, opposite the house entrance, has developed a number
of flowers, though it's not really due until November:
The Hibiscus bushes are all still alive,
though their states are different. The “Uncle
Max” Hibiscus
rosa-sinensis looks happy enough, but it's been a while since it has a flower:
The Hibiscus syriacus are
similar: one (the one that Mick trimmed with a whipper-snipper) has grown happily over the
year, but has no buds, while the other has developed multiple flowers:
Unfortunately, the other plants in the north beds aren't doing as well.
My Salvia microphylla only has
a couple of flowers, and the blue ones are dead—for this year, anyway:
And the mistreated Clematis “General
Sikorski” (last month I had assumed that it was dead) seems also to be on the road to
recovery. Here on 11 March and now: