These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-autumn 2020, mainly taken on 22 April 2020. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the
photos is to record what was in the garden at the time.
On 18 April we did some more significant changes to the garden. We've finally given up
hope of growing Buddleja
weyeriana to the south of the house, so we pulled out the last dead bush and replaced it
with what we think is a Robinia
pseudoacacia, which had sprung up in front of the guest bedroom window, along with a
surprising number of Arum plants that were
growing by the laundry door:
The existing plants in the garden are doing differently.
The Schinus molle (pepper tree)
that we transplanted 4 months ago is now well on the way to recovery:
In previous years it had started to play “autumn” from January on. I didn't even take a
photo this time last year,but here's a photo from January 2019, with noticeable yellow
But maybe that's what it should look like at this time of year. Like the birch, I didn't
take any photo this time last year, but the photo from March 2019 doesn't look anything like as healthy:
Inside, Yvonne moved
the Syngonium podophyllum
from the bathroom to her bedroom last month. It's certainly not doing badly in its new position. Here before and
My experiment planting them outside has not looked overly positive, but I'll give it time.
In the meantime, the bath is empty. We also have
two Spathiphyllum boxes, one in
Yvonne's room and one that had been in the dining room. The one in Yvonne's room looked
fine, while the other looked half dead. Trimmed off the dead leaves and moved it to the