These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-winter 2022, taken mainly on 22 July 2022. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to
record what was in the garden at the time.
It's mid-winter, so there's not much to report. The roses have been pruned for once, so
there are only a couple left over, and the first spring flowers are showing:
That bud will almost certainly not flower, but for a relatively cool winter so far it's not
looking too bad. I really need to find somebody to drain the garden in spring.
And the Alyogyne huegelii that Bryan Ross so mutilated is finally coming back in the middle of winter:
In previous years I didn't bother watering the Fuchsias in the winter. This year I have
done, for all the difference it makes. Here last month and today: