These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-spring 2024, taken mainly on 24 October 2024. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to
record what was in the garden at the time.
Last month there was almost nothing to be seen in the garden. It's not very different now.
A couple of days ago we had Nick Macdonald of macGARDENS in with his mate to tidy up the
garden. They certainly got rid of a lot of weeds, though much is in the spraying, so it
will be a few weeks before we see a big difference. And in fact the photos don't show any
improvement at all, just an indication that the bulbs have finished flowering in the centre
Somewhere in that mess of weeds (a part that Nick and mate didn't address) there's a still
surviving Carpobrotus, flowering. The other ones seem almost all to have died. No wonder I
The Alyogyne huegelii seems to be recovering from the mistreatment it has had over the years:
The transplanted wildflower that seemed to have been recovering last month still seems to be
recovering, but it's not in a hurry. Again, last month and this month:
And the Camellia japonica that we transplanted last December still doesn't look good, but the new leaf growth is green rather than
yellow, so that seems to be an improvement:
I have also put the Spathiphyllum in the lounge room, and that seems to suit it too. It has been
flowering for some time, and a second round has just started: