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On 17 May 2006 I returned from a particularly gruelling trip to Canada. I didn't know it at the time, but it was to be my last flight for over 5 years, maybe for ever. It came at the end of a year with a particularly large amount of travel: between 8 May 2005 and 17 May 2006 I made 7 journeys, 6 of them overseas, a total of 52 hops and 208,551 km. That's more than half the distance to the moon, an average air speed of 23 km/h over the entire year, and just under one flight a week.

By the end of the journey I was thoroughly fed up with travel, air travel in particular. I wasn't to know it again, but that was the last time I was in a plane. I've been flying most of my life—the last time I didn't fly for 5 years started in 1951, when I was 3 years old—but air travel has changed. It used to be fun, people used to care about the passengers and make them comfortable. Now it's mindless thugs finding gainful employment annoying passengers as “security consultants” and flight conditions more reminiscent of cattle transports. I don't miss it.

Here's a breakdown of the journeys:

From       To       km
ADL       SYD       1160
SYD       LAX       12100
LAX       DFW       1920
DFW       ORD       1290
ORD       YOW       1050
YUL       LHR       5210
LHR       OSL       1170
OSL       BGO       309
BGO       OSL       309
OSL       LHR       1170
LHR       SIN       10900
SIN       DRW       3330
DRW       ADL       2620
Subtotal:             42538
ADL       SIN       5410
SIN       BKK       1440
BKK       HEL       7870
HEL       LHR       1850
LHR       SIN       10900
SIN       SYD       6290
SYD       ADL       1160
Subtotal:             34920
ADL       SIN       5410
SIN       FRA       10300
FRA       ATH       1800
ATH       FRA       1800
FRA       ARN       1220
ARN       FRA       1220
FRA       SIN       10300
SIN       SYD       6290
SYD       ADL       1160
Subtotal:             39500
ADL       BNE       1630
BNE       DUD       5080
DUD       BNE       5080
BNE       ADL       1630
Subtotal:             13420
ADL       MEL       641
MEL       SIN       6040
SIN       LHR       10900
LHR       FCO       1440
FCO       LHR       1440
LHR       SIN       10900
SIN       MEL       6040
MEL       ADL       641
Subtotal:             38042
ADL       SYD       1160
SYD       ADL       1160
Subtotal:             2320
ADL       SYD       1160
SYD       SFO       11900
SFO       SEA       1090
SEA       ORD       2750
ORD       YOW       1050
YOW       ORD       1050
ORD       LAX       2800
LAX       MEL       12700
MEL       ADL       641
Subtotal:             35141
Total:             205881

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