Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System
by John Lions
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This directory contains a copy of John Lions' “A commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System”. This form of the document is the one that Warren Toomey published on the USENET alt.folklore.computers newsgroup in May 1994, with corrections supplied by Brian Foley in 2014 and incorporated into the source by Conway Yee in August 2023. It's available in several forms:

In addition, there are older files which may be of historical interest:

With the update in 2023, I have removed the individual source files and the PostScript version of the book. It can still be built from source if necessary.

Doubtless there are still errors in the document, mainly scan errors. If you find one, please let me know.

Other resources

The source code to 6th Edition Unix is not included, but you can get that from TUHS, also courtesy of Warren Toomey. There is also an older version at, I haven't compared them to the line numbers in the Commentary. You can also find scans of the Commentary and the source code at

In addition, this site contains a reformatted version of the Commentary with many links to the corresponding source. I haven't been able to establish who is responsible for it.

Will Senn has generated a searchable version of the original sources.

Doubtless there are other resources. If you know of one worth mentioning, please let me know.

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