ETSA's idea of “Customer Care”
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As I have mentioned in the overview page, I've been getting very fed up with the constant number of power outages that we have in the Adelaide Hills, and even more so with the significant damage that has happened to my equipment on three occasions. On 19 March 2007, after the third incident, I called ETSA and asked for an explanation. On 20 March I received a phone call from Shaun, who promised to tell me what the situation was.

At the end of this discussion I was more upset than before. Shaun seems to have no idea about the material he is talking about, and the main cause of his call seemed to be to explain how it isn't ETSA's fault. Here some of the details of the 35 minute call:

In summary, he said very little of any value and only managed to antagonize me.

The linesman's view

On 21 March 2007, the following day, I got a call from Mark, a linesman (is that the correct description?) Anyway, somebody who understands what he is talking about. He wanted to know the transformer number for our transformer, and I was able to give him enough information to identify that. He also told me:

In other words, a sensible explanation of the situation. If his voltage is consistently over the legal limit, I get the feeling that there is a general problem. The fact that they still, after 3 weeks, have not been able to isolate the problem almost certainly means that they have inadequate technical means at their disposal.

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