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Tuesday, 7 August 2007 Today's diary top next last

In the evening, started looking at the garden. That's another can of worms that'll keep us busy for some time to come.

Thursday, 9 August 2007 Today's diary top previous next last

We've been here a month! Not that there's much to show for it. Somehow didn't even do much work, apart from tidying up the garden beds to the north of the house.

Saturday, 11 August 2007 Today's diary top previous next last

Into town today to do a few things, and as usual took all day and only got some of them done. Gradually the weather is looking better, and we're spending more time working in the garden. It's amazing how little we seem to be doing.

Sunday, 12 August 2007 Today's diary Today's images top previous next last

More work around the house. Started assembling a water bed for Yvonne, and she went to pick up some mulch which we spread in the garden. Also took the opportunity to bring over the remaining plants which had been waiting at Chris' place for over two months:

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Things are getting more and more settled. Hopefully life will get more interesting when we're finished here.

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