Greg's Panorama and HDR links
Greg's diary
Photo index
Greg's home page
Network link stats
Greg's other links
Copyright information

General sites

Panoramic Photo guide Pano society John Houghton's pages, with tutorials

Software and Postprocessing

High dynamic range HDR under Linux autopano
autopano-sift Enblend Simpelfilter
Creating Spherical Panoramas, from Darius Exposure blend Finding nodal point
Hugin HDR tutorial

Panorama software

Hugin—panorama photo stitcher Hugin development process Hugin tutorial
Compiling Hugin for FreeBSD Hugin mailing list John H's panorama tutorials
Autopano (commercial) Autopano example workflow Panotools
Time lapse stabilization Pano2VR panorama viewer Leuchtfeuer overview
Salado player (from Cartola) Panini viewer Command line programs

Panorama hardware

Manfrotto 303 Plus Manfrotto 303 Plus HOWTO Manfrotto 303SPH review
Really Right Stuff KingPANO Nodal Samurai panorama bracket
Nodal Ninja Arca type systems explained Panosaurus
Panosaurus introduction Build your own pano head Wooden head
pano-MAXX Olypedia page Wikipedia panoramic tripod head page Parkin head (details) Schott Hendershot
LinkDelight head 360Precision Agno's
PT4Pano Owl MK PanoHead
Nodal points for Olympus cameras

Hardware reviews


Hardware suppliers

Onesteel (Australia) MSC McMaster-Carr

Extended depth of field

ALE Photoacute Introduction to focus stacking


qtpfsgui FDRTools (partial $ware) Jasper's DRMaker (“donation-ware”)
Tom Mertens' home page

Wikipedia pages

QTVR Panoramic photography Panoramic head

Stuff to look at

Manfrotto "Head photo" Adorama Jobu head Manfrotto 338 leveling head

Greg's home page Greg's diary Greg's photos Copyright

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