Greg's photography software links
Greg's diary
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Computational photography

DPReview series Marc Levoy (PDF)


Canon Hackers Development Kit CHDK article wkt's Canon
LCD monitor test images Shipping forwarders

Software, newer

Digital camera support for UNIX ExifFixer


Marc Levoy lectures Marc Levoy's applets

Panoramas and stuff

Software and Postprocessing

dcraw, raw image processing utility List of tutorials Digital darkroom tutorial
Rescuing a poor photo Digital sharpening (grey on black) Norman Koren home page
Norman Koren tutorials The Basics of Digital Images ImageMagick docco
ImageMagick colour modifications PNM docco Using Script-fu in GIMP
Lensfun: lens distortion correction Antigrain (from Kirma) sane and ALDI scanner

Software development

JPEG snoop

Raw image converters

DxO module list DxO customer account DxO error reports
Olympus Viewer 2 ufraw, raw image processing utility ufraw Wiki
ufraw Docco RawTherapee

Monitors and calibration

Jasc Lagom, for LCDs Flat panels
Flat panel comparisons Focus test chart
ISO 12233 test chart

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