Greg's Kiev camera instructions
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This page contains an English translation of the original Russian instructions for the Kiev 2 and 3 cameras that I received with my Kiev 3 camera, translated by Oleg Turin. It's not complete yet; watch this space


Photo camera "Kiev"

Short description

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1. Purpose of the device

The "Kiev" camera is a portable small-format camera that shoots on normal perforated film. The size of the frame obtained on the negative = 24 X 36 mm. The device "Kiev" is intended for wide and versatile application in research work, for photo reporting, for the production of technical photographs and for amateur purposes.

When used correctly, it produces flawless negatives from which high-quality magnification of 30 x 40 cm can be done, as well as extremely clear pictures, necessary, for example, for the manufacture of typographic clichés and for other technical purposes.

II. Package contents of the camera "Kiev"

Package contents includes:

   1. Camera "Kiev" with a coated lens "Jupiter-8" F = 5 cm and a relative aperture of 1 : 2, with two
protective caps for the front and rear lenses................. 1 pcs
   2. Cassette with reel ..................................... 1 pcs
   3. Take-up reel ........................................... 1 pcs
   4. Release hawser ......................................... 1 pcs
   5. Leather case with shoulder strap ....................... 1 pcs
   6. Description ............................................ 1 pcs
   7. Passport ............................................... 1 pcs
   Package contents of the camera "Kiev" model III includes an exposure table.

III. Description of the main parts of the device.

The main components of the camera (Fig. 1) are the shutter, lens, rangefinder, viewfinder, self-release mechanism, which are installed in a housing, and a removable back cover.

The “Kiev” uses the original slotted shutter with metal flaps.

The shutter allows auto exposure: 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1250 second, as well as manual exposure and long exposure.

The shutter is wound with the wheel 8. The exposure scale 20 is on the same wheel (Fig. 1).

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The scale has numbers 2,5,10... up to 1250, that means 1/2, 1/5, 1/10... 1/1250 sec.

Fig. 1. General view of the camera "Kiev-II".

The shutter winding mechanism is linked to the film transport mechanism and the frame counter, so when turning the wheel 8 at the same time the shutter is wound, the film advances one frame and the counter dial rotates for one division. Thanks to this device, the possibility of re-shooting on the same frame in the device excluded.

The shutter is actuated by release button 7 or button for turning on the self-release mechanism 12.

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The release button has a tapered thread for screwing the release hawser.

The camera "Kiev" is equipped with an lens "Jupiter-8" 16 (Fig. 1) with a focal length of 5 cm and relative aperture 1 : 2, which is the main working lens. The Jupiter-8 lens belongs to the type of high-quality high-resolution anastigmats. The lenses of the lens have an anti-reflective coating. The lens is attached to the camera barrel with a bayonet connection and fixed with a spring 18. On the frame of the lens aperture ring there are numbers: 2; four; 5.6; eight; eleven; 16; 22. Each change in aperture on this scale from one number to another reduces the effective area of light hole 2 times. The device is equipped with an optical rangefinder. The large base of the rangefinder ensures high accuracy of focusing of the lens, which is especially important when shooting with fast and telephoto long-focus lenses. In addition, the eyepieces of the rangefinder and viewfinder are aligned. This represents a certain convenience in work and improves shooting efficiency. The optical system of the eyepiece reduces the image of the object being shot to 0.8 natural size. The focusing process consists in combining 2 images obtained from the right 2 and the left 10 system windows into one, which is carried out using an optical compensator. The rangefinder mechanism is linked to the focusing mechanism of the lens and thus, when combining images the lens is set correctly. The compensator is rotated due to the rotation of the protruding part of the gear 4. On the tube of the device there is a distance scale 17 with divisions from 0.9 to infinity. All distance numbers indicated in meters. In the "infinity" position, the tube, and hence the lens, is fixed by lever 5. The depth of field scale 19 is marked on the fixed ring of the tube. This scale shows the limits to which the subject will be sharp, depending on the distance and the set aperture. Note. The distance to the lens in the "Kyiv" camera must be calculated from the plane of the film (image plane). The viewfinder of the "Kyiv" camera is designed for use with the main lens. When shooting with interchangeable lenses, use the universal viewfinder, which is attached on the guide frame 3. The rewind wheel 1 is used to rewind the exposed film into the cassette. The self-release mechanism is located inside the body of the device and is started by lever 13. In addition, in fig. 1 shows: 9 - strap lugs for --> Page 8. --> shoulder strap fasteners, 15 - diaphragm ring. The bottom of the back cover has a tripod nut 23 (Fig. 2), to which the locking latch 14 is attached, designed to stabilize the device installed in a horizontal plane. The tripod nut is designed to mount the device on a tripod. In addition, there are locks on the bottom cover 21 for fastening the rear wall to the body and button 22, which turns off the transport drum during rewinding. Fig. 2. Below view. IV. Additional parts for the camera. Parts made for the "Kiev" camera: interchangeable lenses, universal viewfinder, light filters, hoods, etc. These parts are manufactured by other factories and can be purchased through the distribution network. Page 9. 1. Replaceable lenses and their purpose. The following lenses are additionally produced for the "Kiev" camera (Fig. 3). ------------------------------------------------------------ Number | Part name | Focal length, cm | Aperture ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | Jupiter-11 | 13,5 | 1 : 4 2 | Jupiter-9 | 8,5 | 1 : 2 3 | Jupiter-12 | 3,5 | 1 : 2,8 4 | Jupiter-3 | 5,0 | 1 : 1,5 Fig. 3. Replaceable lenses.

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Exposure meter.

The exposure meter (Fig. 32) is used to objectively determine the exposure required for a negative of normal density. The exposure meter is located on the top cover of the device and it is an integral part of it.
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Fig. 32. Top view of the exposure meter.

To open the lid of exposure meter press the button (Fig. 33). The lid will flip to a horizontal position and reveal a transparent ribbed plate. Behind this plate is a photocell.
Image title: Kiev 3a figure 33          Dimensions:          898 x 836, 211 kB
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Fig. 33. Opening the exposure meter lid.

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Under the action of light rays passing through the ribbed plate, an electric current arises in the photocell. Current enters a highly sensitive galvanometer and causes its pointer to move.

This movement depends on the magnitude of the current occurring in the photocell, which, in turn, depends on the brightness of the object being photographed.

Note. The ribs on the transparent plate, painted black on the sides, serve to limit the angle of incidence of light enters the photocell.

A variable resistor is connected in parallel to the galvanometer in the electrical circuit of the photocell, regulating the current flowing into the galvanometer.

The control of this resistor, as well as all the recalculation scales, are located on the film rewind axis. (Fig. 34)

The exposure time depends on the speed of the film, the brightness of the object being photographed, and the diaphragm setting.
Image title: Kiev 3a figure 34
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Fig. 34. Rewind head, Model 3.

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