The project file is in plain text with a mixture of lines and comments. There are some
suggestions that not everything that looks like a comment (line starting
with #) is in fact a comment. There's something in old messages (2011?) in
the mailing list to suggest subtle differences.
Each line starts with a single letter from the set 'p','o', i', 'm' and 'k'. The stitcher
requires one p line (panorma description), one i (image)
line per input image, and one m line per input image.
p line
# w1000 width in pixels
# h600 height in pixels
# f0 projection format,
# 0 - rectilinear (for printing and viewing)
# 1 - Cylindrical (for Printing and QTVR)
# 2 - Equirectangular ( for Spherical panos), default
# 3 - full-frame fisheye
# 4 - Stereographic
# 5 - Mercator
# 6 - Transverse Mercator
# 7 - Sinusoidal
# 8 - Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area
# 9 - Lambert Equal Area Azimuthal
# 10 - Albers Equal Area Conic
# 11 - Miller Cylindrical
# 12 - Panini
# 13 - Architectural
# 14 - Orthographic
# 15 - Equisolid
# 16 - Equirectangular Panini
# 17 - Biplane
# 18 - Triplane
# 19 - Panini General
# 20 - Thoby Projection
# 21 - Hammer-Aitoff Projection
# v360 horizontal field of view of panorama (default 360)
# nPICT Panorama file format, one of:
# PNG png-format, 8 & 16 bit supported
# PNG_m png-format, multi-file, one image per file
# alpha layer with non-feathered clip mask at image border
# TIFF tiff-format, all tiff types supported (8,16,32 bit int, float, double)
# TIFF_m tiff-format, multi-file, one image per file
# alpha layer with non-feathered clip mask at image border
# TIFF_multilayer tiff-format, multi-image-file, all files in one image
# alpha layer with non-feathered clip mask at image border
# This filetype is supported by The GIMP
# JPEG Panoramic image in jpeg-format.
# JPEG_m jpeg-format, multi-file, one image per file
# without alpha layer, not suitable for further blending or fusing
# some more supported file formats (mostly only 8 bit support)
# Special options for TIFF output:
# n"TIFF c:NONE"
# c - select TIFF compression, possible options: NONE, LZW, DEFLATE
# Special options for TIFF_m and TIFF_multilayer output:
# c - TIFF compression, possible options NONE, LZW, DEFLATE
# r - output only used image area (cropped output). The crop offsets
# are stored in the POSITIONX and POSITONY tiff tags
# p1 - save coordinate images (useful for further programs, like vignetting correction)
# Special options for JPEG output:
# n"JPEG q95"
# q - jpeg quality
# E12.3 exposure value for final panorama
# R1 stitching mode: 0: normal LDR mode, 1: HDR mode
# T"UINT8" bitdepth of output images, possible values are
# UINT8 - 8 bit unsigned
# UINT16 - 16 bit unsigned
# FLOAT - 32 bit floating point
# By default the bit depth of the input images is use.
# S100,600,100,800 Selection(left,right,top,bottom), Only pixels inside the rectangle
# will be rendered. Images that do not contain pixels in this area
# are not rendered/created.
# k1 Image number of reference image for photometric correction
# P"100 12" Parameters for tuning projection, number of parameters depends on projection
p w1000 h600 f0 v360 E12.3
m (mode) line
# 'm'-line options
# ----------------
# Set mode for stitcher, not required
# g2.5 Set gamma value for internal computations (default 1.0)
# See <>
# This is especially useful in conjunction with the vignetting correction
# by division
# i2 Set interpolator, See <>
# one of:
# 0 - poly3 (default)
# 1 - spline16,
# 2 - spline36,
# 3 - sinc256,
# 4 - spline64,
# 5 - bilinear,
# 6 - nearest neighbor,
# 7 - sinc1024
m i2
i line
i lines each describe a single input image.
# f0 projection format,
# 0 - rectilinear (normal lenses)
# 1 - Panoramic (Scanning cameras like Noblex)
# 2 - Circular fisheye
# 3 - full-frame fisheye
# 4 - PSphere, equirectangular
# 8 - orthographic fisheye
# 10 - stereographic fisheye
# 21 - Equisolid fisheye
# 20 - Fisheye Thoby (Nikkor 10.5)
# v82 horizontal field of view of image (required)
# y0 yaw angle (required)
# p43 pitch angle (required)
# r0 roll angle (required)
# a,b,c lens correction coefficients (optional)
# (see
# d,e initial lens offset in pixels(defaults d0 e0, optional).
# Used to correct for offset from center of image
# d - horizontal offset,
# e - vertical offset
# g,t initial lens shear. Use to remove slight misalignment
# of the line scanner relative to the film transport
# g - horizontal shear
# t - vertical shear
# Eev exposure of image in EV (exposure values)
# Er white balance factor for red channel
# Eb white balance factor for blue channel
# Vm vignetting correction mode (default 0):
# 0: no vignetting correction
# 1: radial vignetting correction (see j,k,l,o options)
# 2: flatfield vignetting correction (see p option)
# 4: proportional correction: i_new = i / corr.
# This mode is recommended for use with linear data.
# If the input data is gamma corrected, try adding g2.2
# to the m line.
# default is additive correction: i_new = i + corr
# Both radial and flatfield correction can be combined with the
# proportional correction by adding 4.
# Examples: i1 - radial polynomial correction by addition.
# The coefficients j,k,l,o must be specified.
# i5 - radial polynomial correction by division.
# The coefficients j,k,l,o must be specified.
# i6 - flatfield correction by division.
# The flatfield image should be specified with the p option
# Va,Vb,Vc,Vd vignetting correction coefficients. (defaults: 1,0,0,0)
# ( 0, 2, 4, 6 order polynomial coefficients):
# corr = ( i + j*r^2 + k*r^4 + l*r^6), where r is the distance from the image center
# The corrected pixel value is calculated with: i_new = i_old + corr
# if additive correction is used (default)
# for proportional correction (h5): i_new = i_old / corr;
# Vx,Vy radial vignetting correction offset in pixels (defaults Vx0 Vy0, optional).
# Used to correct for offset from center of image
# Vx - horizontal offset
# Vy - vertical offset
# Vf filename of flatfield image.
# For additive correction the image will be used as it is.
# In the case of correction by division, the flatfield will be divided by
# its mean value.
# Ra,Rb,Rc,Rd,Re EMoR photometric model parameters. (defaults: 0,0,0,0,0)
# TrX,TrY,TrZ mosaic mode translation offsets.
# Tpy, Tpp orientation of remapping plane for translation offsets.
# (have no effect if TrX, TrY and TrZ are zero)
# S100,600,100,800 Selection(l,r,t,b), Only pixels inside the rectangle will be used for conversion.
# Original image size is used for all image parameters
# (e.g. field-of-view) refer to the original image.
# Selection can be outside image dimension.
# The selection will be circular for circular fisheye images, and
# rectangular for all other projection formats
# j0 stack number
# nName file name of the input image.