Greg's salsa falsa
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In June 2010 I made some salsa ranchera, and was somewhat disappointed. A couple of weeks later I tried my own version of what I think of as having Mexican taste. Clearly it's only my idea, so I call it salsa falsa (fake sauce).


quantity       ingredient       step
10 g       dried chile ancho       1
100 ml       hot water       1
100 g       onion, coarsely chopped       2
25 g       cooking oil       2
15 g       garlic, pressed       3
5 g       cumminseed       4
2 g       dried oregano       4
400 g       tinned tomatoes       5
7.5 g       salt       5


  1. Break the chile into pieces, removing seeds, and soak in the hot water for about 30 minutes.
  2. Fry the onion in the oil.

  3. When the onions are about half cooked, add the garlic and cook a little longer.

  4. While the garlic and onions are cooking, grind the cumminseed and oregano

  5. Put the tomatoes into a blender and add the other ingredients. Puree. Replace in the pan and cook until the sauce becomes thick.

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