These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-autumn 2012, mainly on 15 April 2012. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to record what was in the garden at the time.
This page shows most, but not all, of the flower photos I took: some were repetitive. They're all there on the photo pages around 15 April.
There's not very much to note this month. Although it's mid-autumn, some of the summer flowers I have planted are only now just coming up. The plants I got from the Friends of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens in early November last year are now coming up, looking quite different from the way they were planted in town (first two images):
The first Arum of spring is flowering, as is another unhappy-looking Azelea:
The Clematis should be flowering now, but I have exactly one flower:
On the other hand, the Cyclamens are looking quite happy:
Some of the natives are flowering again, notably the Callistemon “Mary McKillop”, and the orange Grevillea that I got from a cutting is flowering for the first time:
The Alyogyne huegelii is still looking quite healthy, but it only has two flowers, though it has lots of buds:
I wonder if that's another plant that was waiting for fertilizer.
Our citrus fruits are still not doing very well. The dwarf Meyer “Lots a lemons” hasn't even flowered this year. It was looking very unhappy at the beginning of the summer, and certainly it's a lot better now, but it looks as if we'll have to wait for another season. The lime and grapefruit trees are doing better. Here the Tahitian lime, the Kaffir lime with blossom, and the newer of the two grapefruits:
The area between the Japanese Garden and the house is looking better since weeding and fertlizing. The roses “Gruß an Aachen” and “Monsieur Tillier” are now looking a little happier, though I think the flowers should be bigger:
Other roses are a mixed bunch, from the Icebergs on the arch and the south of the verandah to the “News” and “Phyllis Bide” on the south fence. The “Lilli Marleen” is still flowering, but not as well. Only the mistreated pink rose is looking good:
The Solanum creeper that Yvonne brought back from Albury last year, and which I identified as Solanum laxum, is flowering happily:
But according to the description, this flower should have a sweet smell. I smell nothing at all. Misidentification?
The Salvias are mainly doing well. The “Phyllis Fancy” looks good, but it's surprisingly difficult to get a good photo of the bush:
The Salvia “Bonfire” and “Blue bedder” from the Friends are also looking good. It's a pity that I let most of them die before I could plant them.
And the new Salvia mexicana “lime magic”, which Chris Yeardley gave to me to salvage last December, is now starting to flower, as is the Salvia uliginosa (bog sage) in the margins of the pond:
Indoors, our Spathiphyllum is flowering:
But it's only one flower, and the ones I see on sale are full of flowers. What am I doing wrong?
Here are the other photos that are even marginally worth mentioning:
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