These are the flowers we had in the garden in late spring 2017, taken mainly on 15 November 2017. They're not all
overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to record what was in the garden at the
Last month things were
rather depressing, but things are looking a lot better now.
The Paulownia kawakamii that
had suffered so much in the frost earlier this month seems to be coming back strong. Here
two weeks ago and today:
The Senna aciphylla that we
planted last December has not only lasted out the winter: it's still flowering, something
that we never saw in Kleins Road:
The tree ferns are coming back, though
the first one seemed to be nearly dead, and I'm not sure that it will make it. But the
other has come out with new fronds, late but strong:
Another plant that has taken its time is
an Anigozanthos (“Kangaroo paw”)
that the Marriotts gave us a couple of years ago, which Sasha then mutilated, and we nurtured back to
health. It's doing very well now:
It's a grass that Yvonne bought years ago for the colour of
its foliage. We didn't know that it would flower like that.
A year and a half ago we also planted a couple of
crawling Grevilleas in the D bed.
Neither has done very well, but this one now finally seems to be coming:
The Grevillea bronwenae that
we bought in Pomonallast month doesn't seem to have changed
much, but appearances are deceptive. It's coming up with lots of new buds: