These are the flowers we had in the garden in late summer 2018, taken mainly on 16 February 2018. They're not all
overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to record what was in the garden at the
The lack of watering last week has taken its toll.
The Salix babylonica is looking
particularly unhappy:
The lack of water might also have something to do with the roses and
the Grevillea, though that's a little
certain. Some of the roses are flowering well, others less so, and others again have died:
In the past I had thought it was
a Hedychium coronarium, but
clearly that's not the case. It's claimed to be an invasive weed; I'd be happy if it would
just grow normally.
I originally had yellow and red flowering Mirabilis, and what I have seen suggests that they
will cross-pollinate and create other colours, including stripes. But not here, it seems.
I still only have the same two colours:
The Tropaeolums are also not doing
particularly well. For plants that should grow no matter what, this one has only maintained
itself the way it was a couple of years ago:
On the other hands, some things are doing better than I expected. We didn't plant
any petunias this year, because they
didn't do well last year, but one seems to have survived:
Indoors, the Phalaenopsis has almost
finished flowering, after nearly 6
months. Just this one flower is hanging on, and it has been the last orchid of summer
for at least 3 weeks: