These are the flowers we had in the garden in mid-summer 2021, taken mainly on 20 January 2021. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to
record what was in the garden at the time.
It's been a cool, moist summer so far, but gradually it's getting warmer, and the paddocks
look more like what you'd expect of an Australian summer:
Gradually I'm losing interest in gardening. When we were in Kleins Road things grew well,
but just keeping things alive is a challenge. I've given up on the Paulownia kawakamii: it died a
month or two after barely reaching a height of 70 cm. It should have been 5 m high a couple
of years ago. And the Corymbia ficifolia that looked so happy last year is just barely alive:
It's better protected than before, but it took a very long time to recover from the
winter, and it sounds like a good idea to protect it from the next winter. And, of course,
take some cuttings.
The Clematis “Edo Murasaki”
continues to flower through the time when it should be dormant:
I suspect that the sunshine has something to do with it. Normally I look for overcast
weather for the photos, because they give the best lighting, but today I didn't have the
And while most plants in the north side of the north garden have died (with the notable
exceptions of the Banksia and the
Eremophila nivea), the
blue salvias that we got from
Lorraine Carranza have really taken off: