These are the flowers we had in the garden in late winter 2021, taken mainly on
23 August 2021. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the
photos is to record what was in the garden at the time.
I've been keeping a particular eye on the bushes that looked so unhappy last year. The
Camellia japonica is
still not looking good, but considerably better than this time last year (first photo):
The big difference is that there is new growth now. I didn't take any detail photos last
year because there was nothing to see. So with any luck the worst is over.
The Hibiscus
rosa-sinensis “Uncle Max” looked particularly unhappy this time last year, so this
year we left the cannas round it to protect it from the frost. Maybe it has helped (again the first photo is from
last year):
On the other hand, some things are less than happy. For reasons I still don't understand,
Bryan Ross and friends mutilated “pruned” a number of plants that don't really
need it, and far too much. The result is that the sage bush, for example, may never
We've had it for three years now. I fear that it's just not suited to the soil.
And between Bryan and the new puppies, we have almost no tropaeolums left. Bryan “pruned” them
away, and the puppies trampled them. This is all that we have left:
The puppies have caused other damage, too. Our Leucospermum cordifolium in the driveway has been knocked around considerably, though we have now fenced it in: