These are the flowers we had in the garden in late winter 2022, taken mainly on 22 August 2022. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to
record what was in the garden at the time.
It's been a cold and wet winter, and it shows. The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis “Uncle Max” looks very unhappy, and I'm not sure that it will survive. Here last year and
this year:
And the Strelitzia
nicolai, which hasn't seemed to have any problems in previous years, looks
significantly frostburnt. The first photos is from 2 years ago: I didn't take a full size
photo last year.
The Alyogyne huegelii doesn't look as bad, but it's not flowering at all. Last year it was still recovering from
an assassination attempt by Bryan Ross, but at least it was flowering. Here two years ago,
last year and this year:
About the only thing that looks better than before is the Grevillea robusta that I planted
3 years ago, and which I thought would die. It's not exactly growing like fury, but
at least it is now bigger than it was when I bought it:
A couple of surprises are some daisy-like flowers that have popped up in the lawn, and these
grape hyacinths that I
don't recall from that position in the past:
Is that due to the weather, the moisture or the age?
The continued trouble with our garden makes one thing clear, though: the planned screen to
the north in front of the riding arena is a bad idea. We should plant individual shrubs
there, and if they survive, we can decide how to augment them.
Somehow that's about all worth noting. I hope that things will look a whole lot better next