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Thursday, 25 July 2024 Dereel → Sebastopol → Dereel Images for 25 July 2024
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Dog escape
Topic: animals, opinion Link here

While I was messing around in the office, Yvonne came in and said “the dogs are out the front”.

OK, good to know. But then she said “I'll get in the car and go and look for them”. Huh? Ah, “outside” meant “out on the road”. How did that happen? Off with her in the car, where the Swifts and a neighbour from down Progress Road were out discussing the matter. They said that the dogs had gone down Progress Road, and sure enough, we soon found Elena. And Larissa? Yvonne had seen her further down the road, so off to the end without finding her, though we found a sheep that looked surprisingly similar.

Then a phone call from Graeme Swift: she had been caught in a fence, Graham had freed her, and all was well—no injuries.

But how did it happen? The pedestrian gate was open. Graeme, always the cautious one, suggested a padlock on the gate, like he has. I'm more inclined to look for alternative, less extreme solutions. But for the moment the dogs aren't allowed out in front of the house when we're not there.

Office restructure, next step
Topic: technology Link here

Spent much of the day moving monitors around. It shouldn't have been difficult, but there were constraints:

In the process, I found a lot of old documentation, including appointment cards dating back as far as June 2017. And I managed not to disconnect any cables. Sadly, the power connector to eureka was loose, so I did have to reboot it—exactly at a time where it had no monitor connected. But I got things done faster than expected, by midday. Here before and after:
Image title: Office 2 detail          Dimensions:          3484 x 1468, 1178 kB
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All images taken on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, thumbnails          All images taken on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, small
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Diary entry for Thursday, 25 July 2024 Complete exposure details


Now to get used to being in my normal position again, after 9 months of being displaced.

The end of the SPARCstations
Topic: technology, history, opinion Link here

What's constant about these photos?
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Image title: Greg in office          Dimensions:          1280 x 960, 415 kB
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All images taken on Wednesday, 1 July 1998, thumbnails          All images taken on Wednesday, 1 July 1998, small
Diary entry for Wednesday, 1 July 1998 Complete exposure details
Image title: Greg in office          Dimensions:          1750 x 1137, 421 kB
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All images taken on Tuesday, 12 October 1999, thumbnails          All images taken on Tuesday, 12 October 1999, small
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All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, thumbnails          All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, small
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Diary entry for Wednesday, 25 April 2018 Complete exposure details


Clearly not the image quality. Clearly not the aging person between keyboard and chair. Also not the location, nor the displays. Not even the keyboards, which I had to change before the last photo. But there is one constant: the monitors are mounted on SPARCstation pizzaboxes. I had long since stopped using them as computers, but they did very well at propping up the monitors, and they have been doing it for round 30 years.

No more:
Image title: Office 4 detail          Dimensions:          3346 x 1439, 1010 kB
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All images taken on Thursday, 25 July 2024, thumbnails          All images taken on Thursday, 25 July 2024, small
Diary entry for Thursday, 25 July 2024 Complete exposure details


The new monitors have their own stands, no SPARCstation needed. And while changing over, it became clear how much space they had taken up. I now have more space for appointment cards and things under the monitors. And things look tider from behind too. Here before and after:
Image title: Behind monitors          Dimensions:          3888 x 5255, 5201 kB
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All images taken on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, thumbnails          All images taken on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, small
Diary entry for Wednesday, 24 July 2024 Complete exposure details
Image title: Behind monitors          Dimensions:          3888 x 5271, 4814 kB
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All images taken on Thursday, 25 July 2024, thumbnails          All images taken on Thursday, 25 July 2024, small
Diary entry for Thursday, 25 July 2024 Complete exposure details


Yes,still a lot of cables, but far fewer things for the cats to throw onto the floor.

A haircut
Topic: general Link here

Into Sebastopol today for a haircut. Originally I had planned a whole lot of things, but somehow they either sorted themselves out, or became unimportant. So a long drive just for that.

X configuration, part 4723
Topic: technology, opinion Link here

The good news about connecting up my new monitor was that it worked out of the box. Of course, it was connected to a running output (hydra:0.2) configured for 1920x1080, but it picked that up and ran with it.

That was the good news. I wasn't expecting the reconfiguration to be easy, and my expectations were met. Although I had an output on the rightmost monitor (to become hydra:0.3, but currently hydra:0.0), the server and Nvidia software didn't want to know about it, thus the blue screen on that monitor:
Image title: Office 4 detail          Dimensions:          3346 x 1439, 1010 kB
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Diary entry for Thursday, 25 July 2024 Complete exposure details


OK, run nvidia-settings. I've been there before, and it wasn't quite as painful. But once again I couldn't get it to position the screens correctly, and it also wouldn't save the configuration file where I wanted it to. Finally I saved it, but it was broken. Despite “finding” the new monitor (“LG Electronics LG ULTRAFINE”), it included the old name in the configuration file. It knew about the refresh rates, though. Here an excerpt from the Monitor sections:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor0"
    ModelName      "Ancor Communications Inc VS248"
    HorizSync       30.0 - 83.0
    VertRefresh     50.0 - 76.0

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor1"
    ModelName      "LG Electronics LG ULTRAFINE"
    HorizSync       30.0 - 135.0
    VertRefresh     40.0 - 60.0

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor2"
    ModelName      "Ancor Communications Inc VS248"
    HorizSync       30.0 - 135.0
    VertRefresh     40.0 - 60.0

In addition, it wouldn't let me position the monitors correctly. More playing around, and after a while found the answer (maybe) in my December diary:
Image title: nvidia settings 2
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Dimensions of original: 376 x 230, 13 kB
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Does that work? No, but for a different reason:

=== root@hydra (/dev/pts/32) /usr/ports/editors/emacs-devel 120 -> nvidia-settings
=== root@hydra (/dev/pts/32) /usr/ports/editors/emacs-devel 121 -> nvidia-settings
nvidia-settings: Fatal IO error 22 (Invalid argument) on X server

The first invocation worked, but when I did it the second time, some time later, it had apparently changed something in the server, and I could no longer start the program. It also apparently reset the mouse bindings and the keyboard map. It wasn't the server itself, which has been running for well over a month:

root 2307  0.0  0.1 25948804 226184 v0  S    15Jun24 4710:04.67 /usr/local/libexec/Xorg :0 -config xorg-0.conf -logverbose 6 -listen tcp -auth /home/grog

So: frob the configuration file manually and check as server 4.

An offer you can't refuse
Topic: technology, general, opinion Link here

Seen on the Ballarat Courier today:

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Who can refuse that?

Friday, 26 July 2024 Dereel Images for 26 July 2024
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Yet another noodle dish?
Topic: food and drink, opinion Link here

One of the things that has surprised me over the years is how many different kinds of Chinese noodles there are. I've been playing around with a number of them, but it has recently occurred to me that I knew almost none of them in my childhood. They're Chinese, and not Malaysian.

One typical kind of noodle that I do know are these:
Image title: Mi Xao 2          Dimensions:          3888 x 5184, 3346 kB
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All images taken on Wednesday, 2 June 2021, thumbnails          All images taken on Wednesday, 2 June 2021, small
Diary entry for Wednesday, 2 June 2021 Complete exposure details


And it seems that the noodle dishes made with them are different, too: “mah mee”, now known as mee goreng. I have a recipe somewhere, but today I just tried it out. The result:
Image title: Noodles          Dimensions:          3906 x 3504, 3693 kB
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All images taken on Friday, 26 July 2024, thumbnails          All images taken on Friday, 26 July 2024, small
Diary entry for Friday, 26 July 2024 Complete exposure details


Somehow it bears too much resemblance to KL Hokkien Mee.

Completing the restructure
Topic: technology, general Link here

More rearranging in the office today. The monitors for hydra have been in the correct positions since yesterday, though I still need to complete the X configuration. But for the moment things work.

Next, eureka. Three monitors which barely fit in the space left over. But that problem “solved” itself: the old Matrix monitor didn't power up properly. My latest guess is that there are issues with the power connector, and disconnecting and reconnecting it was the last straw. So: goodbye Matrix, you have served me well for well over 10 years. I paid a surprisingly low price for it at the time, only round $300, and I wasn't expecting it to last long. In fact, it has lasted longer than any other monitor I have had, and the display is still clear and unfaded. A pity with the power.

This page contains (roughly) yesterday's and today's entries. I have a horror of reverse chronological documents, so all my diary entries are chronological. This page normally contains the last two days, but if I fall behind it may contain more. You can find older entries in the archive. Note that I often update a diary entry a day or two after I write it.     Do you have a comment about something I have written? This is a diary, not a “blog”, and there is deliberately no provision for directly adding comments. It's also not a vehicle for third-party content. But I welcome feedback and try to reply to all messages I receive. See the diary overview for more details. If you do send me a message relating to something I have written, please indicate whether you'd prefer me not to mention your name. Otherwise I'll assume that it's OK to do so.

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