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This is a Indian-inspired recipe I faked on 31 December 2015. It wasn't a success, mainly because of the quantities. This is what I did on that occasion; next time I'll try this version.

quantity       ingredient       step
400 g       green beans       1
200 g       potato, peeled       1
20 g       chili       2
15 g       garlic       2
3 g       black mustard seed       3
3 g       turmeric       3
4 g       curry leaves       3
4 g       fenugrek (methi) leaves       3
400 g       tinned tomato, chopped       4
22 g       tamarind       4
80 g       water       4

This balance is too sour, and the flavour of the beans gets lost. I had intended to use 200 g of tomatoes, and only put the full can in when I realized there was a balance issue.

See current page for preparation.

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