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This is a Indian-inspired recipe I faked on 31 December 2015. It wasn't a success, but it shows some promise. This is what I plan to do next time:

quantity       ingredient       step
400 g       green beans       1
200 g       potato, peeled       1
15 g       garlic       2
20 g       chili       2
3 g       black mustard seed       3
      oil for frying       3
3 g       turmeric       4
4 g       curry leaves       4
4 g       fenugrek (methi) leaves       4
200 g       tinned tomato, chopped       4
5 g       tamarind pulp       4
10 g?       salt       4
      water       4


This is based on the previous attempt. It uses less tomato and tamarind. Maybe it would be better to get rid of them altogether.


  1. Trim ends of beans and cut in two. Peel and cut potatoes into 1 cm cubes.
  2. Peel garlic, cut chili into rings.
  3. Fry mustard seed in oil until it starts to pop. Remove from heat, add garlic and fry briefly. Don't let it burn.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients, except the beans, and stir well, adding water if necessary. Cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Add the beans and mix in well. Cook for a further 10 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked.

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